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Klukowski Family

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KLUKOWSKI (Pol) kluka. Meaning: hook.

ŁOMAŃSKI (Pol) łom-, łam-. Meaning: break.

TYKOWSKI (Pol) tyka. Meaning: perch or steak.


Jan Tomasz Klukowski (b. 1845–d. 1897) was born at Małżewo on 6 March 1845, the son of Pawel Klukowski (b. abt. 1812–d. 1868) and Katarzyna Łomańska (b. abt. 1816). Jan married on 30 June 1872 at the Church of the Holy Cross in Tczew to Franciszka Tykowska (b. 22 October 1847 at Rajkowy–d. 1884), the daughter of Franciszek Tykowski (b. abt. 1821–d. 1852) and Maryanna Narzyńska (b. 1825–d. 1866). The family born at Kolnik was: Franciszek (b. 1874–d. 1875). They left the village of Kolnik for Hamburg where they set sail aboard the Terpsichore on 15 November 1875, along with Franciszka’s brother, Franciszek Tykowski and his young family, arriving at Port Nicholson in Wellington on 18 March 1876. However it is interesting to find a later entry on their marriage record where the priest has noted Amerika.


Listed aboard were: Johann Klukowski age 31 and Franciszka 28. They travelled south residing at Germantown (Waikaka Valley), where they joined fellow Poles working on the railway. Along from the coal reserve, John Klucofske built himself a house for his family and worked as a labourer after the railways. The family born at Germantown were: John (b. 1878–d. 1950), Veronica Francisca (b. 1880–d. 1959) and Agnes (b. 1882–d. 1966). Francesca (Cissy) died on 4 August 1884 at Germantown, aged 36 and is buried at the Gore Cemetery.


John and Christina (Eva Augustina) nee Baumgardt at Footscray, Melbourne, Alma Studio Footscray, C. 1884, courtesy of Elizabeth Morris, ancestry.com


John then remarried on 25 September 1884 at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament in Gore to Eva (Christina) Augustina Baumgardt (b. 8 March 1864 at Gołczewo–d. 1890), the daughter of Paul Baumgardt (b. 1833–d. 1923) and Anna Fliss (b. 1844–d. 1908). Chistina died on 2 September 1890, aged 25 and is buried at the Gore Cemetery.

“Southland Hospital Returns. — Remaining from last week, 20 males; 7 females; admitted during the week, 4 males, 5 females; discharged, 3 males 3 females; died, John Klukofsky; remaining in the institution, 20 males, 9 females; out-patients treated, 31 males, 23 females.” Southland Times, 8 March 1897, p 2

John died on 2 March 1897 at Southland Hospital in Invercargill, aged 51 and is buried at the Eastern Cemetery in Invercargill.

Francesca Klukosky, Catholic Block 47 Plot 15 at Gore Cemetery

“Miscellaneous Notices.  Estate of JOHN KLUKOFSKY, Deceased. TENDERS will be received by the Under-signed up till FRIDAY, 4th June, for LEASE of Part Section 11, Block I, Waikaka District, containing 42 Acres, on which is erected Dwelling. A First-class Property. Terms and Conditions can be seen at Mr D. L. Poppelwell’s Office, Gore. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Owen Kelly, Executor.” Mataura Ensign, 1 June 1897, p3

“COMMERCIAL. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co, Gore, have to report as follows; On Saturday last we offered at public, auction part of section 2. block 1 Waikaka, containing 42 acre 3 1 rood 25 poles on account of the executors of the late John Klukofsky. The section was knocked down lo Mr Michael Leitze at £5 10s per acre, and as it adjoins Mr Leitze’s present farm will prove a valuable addition to his holding, and the land has a good seam of coal on it.” Southland Times, 22 October 1903, p 3


John Klukofsky, Roman Catholic Free Ground, Block 4 Plot 1X, Eastern Cemetery, Invercargill


Pobόg-Jaworowski, J. W, History of the Polish Settlers in New Zealand, ed. Warsaw; Chz “Ars Polonia.” 1990, page 31.

Research Sources

Archives New Zealand, Passenger Lists, 1839-1973, FamilySearch.

Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara O Te Kawanatanga; Land Records.

Catholic Diocese of Dunedin, St Mary’s Church, Milton; Baptism Register.

Lubiszewo Tczewskie, Miłobądz, Parchowo, Rajkowy  & Tczew Parish Records, Pelplin Diocese, Poland.

New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs Naturalisations, Births, Deaths and Marriages.

Patten Isabell, Australia, supplied photos, documents & information (2004).


Gore Cemetery – Christina Klukosky (1864-1890) » Gore District Council (goredc.govt.nz)

Gore Cemetery – Frances Klukosky (1847-1884) » Gore District Council (goredc.govt.nz)

Invercargill Eastern Cemetery – John Klukofsky (1845-1897) – Invercargill City Council (icc.govt.nz)


Compiled by Paul Klemick (2022)



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Phone ......+64 3 477 5552
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