Main contact
Physical address
Level 9, City Chambers, 142-144 Featherston StWellington 6011
Postal address
Embassy of the Republic of Poland
PO Box 10 211Wellington 6143
Tel | (04) 499 7844
Website |
Fax | (04) 499 7846
Email |
Office hours | 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri; 10am-2pm, 1pm-5pm, M/T/Th/F (Consular)
Staff Details
His Excellency Mr Grzegorz Kowal Ambassador
Mr Maksymilian Zych. Consul
Chairperson ..... Ewa Rożecka Pollard
Phone ......+64 3 477 5552
Secretary ..... Anna McCreath Munro
Phone ..... +64 3 464 0053
Facebook ..... Poles Down South
Contact Poles Down South
Poles in New Zealand We would like to hear from Poles or people with any Polish connection, who visited New Zealand and particularly those of you who paid a visit or lived anywhere in Otago or Southland.
Polski “Poles Down South” jest stroną internetową organizacji polonijnej w Nowej Zelandii działającej w rejonie Otago i Southland na Wyspie Południowej. Siedzibą organizacji jest Dunedin.