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New Zealand Embassy, Warsaw


On this page you will find snippets …. chapters of books, magazine articles, information and videos celebrating Poland, New Zealand and the joined story of two countries.

Polish Involvement in New Zealand since 1772 …….. With thanks to the Polish Embassy in Wellington ….Click Here

Flames over Warsaw …….. This is a chapter from “Flames in the Sky” by Pierre Clostermann, and is lead up to and an account of a single supply flight by Polish Aircrew in the RAF during the battle for Warsaw ….Click Here

Vatican hold unprecedented beatification of Polish family of nine killed for hiding Jews…….. In an unprecedented move, the Vatican on Sunday is beatifying a Polish family of nine — a married couple and their small children — who were executed by the Nazis during World War II for sheltering Jews.  Click Here

Poles & New Zealand, 2nd WW …….. A display remembering some of the shared history of Poland & New Zealand during WW 2….Click Here

The Partition of Poland …….. A partial clipping detailing the story of Germany, Russia & Austria annexing Poland….Click Here

Ship Palmerston …….. An Account of the Voyage of of Palmerston1872/3,  “BRUCE HERALD”, 21ST JANUARY 1873. …Click Here

Historic Church

On 16th April, 1899 in the town of Waihola, the Church of St Hyacinth
was opened for worship. Rev.Father O’Neill officiated at the opening
ceremony which was attended by some 1000 people.
The majority of the worshippers were from Poland, a nation which
was without statehood for a period of 123 years, from 1795-1918.

The Church was situated at the top of Nore St, off Chapel Lane. The land
had been gifted by Mr John Phillipowski, a local of the district. Mr Barty of
Balclutha designed the building, and Mr J.Agnew was the builder.

Almost 50 years later due to a decline in the Church membership,
Authorities decided to shift the building to Broad Bay, on the Otago
Peninsula, where the Catholic Community was without a Church

On 7th November 1948, the building was re-consecrated on the present site as the
Church of Mary Queen of Peace with Rev. Msgr J.P. Delany V.G.
officiating. In additionto the people of Broad Bay, the
Church has also provided a place of worship for the local Polish Community,
including descendants of the original immigrants, since 1995.

This panel was installed in 1999, by the Polish Heritage of
Otago and Southland Charitable Trust


A Virtual Tour

Travel in this crazy world we live in is for many of us, a fond memory. But not everyone is locked down, or at least in their imagination.

This slide show was sent to POHOS by a Polish Gentleman who used the internet to explore the Taieri River, all from his home in Poland.

Excerpts from Stefans letter ;-

Throughout NZ there are interesting museums and open-air museums, most often under the banner of “HERITAGE PARK” or “HERITAGE CENTER”, such as the Omaka Aviation Heritage in Blenheim. They, I think, arouse less interest among tourists. I am interested in very much, like the history of the NZ.

Fortunately, this spring I went virtually to Dunedin and Otago and I started exploring these places. The deeper, the more interesting. A dozen days ago I found a high school student from Dunedin, who, accompanied by her colleagues and a guide, climbed the Rock & Pillar Range on the road from Middlemarch. The relationship was full of emotion and pride 1000-metre approach (actually, according to the map, approx. 1200 m difference in height). I realized that the Dunedin area in radius ± 100 km is a land I dreamed of in my youth, when fascinated by hiking in the mountains (Tatram mountains, Giant Mountains, Bieszczady Mountains, Beskydy Mountains) I had dreams in which there were mountains ± 1500 m above sea level.m, close enough for weekend trips. Szczecin although it lies on hills that exceed the city limits 100 m above sea level.m the southern borders of the city lie picturesque Beech Mountains exceeding 130 m above sea level.m, but this is definitely not enough.

The slides are devoted to the uniqueness of the Taieri River, and all its meandering. The Taieri I know only from maps & photos I have not found. In their place in the show I put beautiful meanders of rivers in Poland. Maybe it will interest compatriots in Otago. I have this hope, judging by the subject of some of the photos sent on the spring exhibition organised by POHOS –

I do not hide that I also hope for a rematch of compatriots on (almost) antipodes – a rematch in the form of photos of the River Taieri, R&PR, as well as Taieri plain (between Mosgiel and Waihola), which is likely to be resembles The Vistula Żuławy. I would then rematch the show Taieri plain with Vistula Zuław.

I cordially greet you and your colleagues.


I’m sure Ewa would forward Stefans email address to any who wished to share images of Otago with him   ….. webmaster


Chairperson .....  Ewa Rożecka Pollard
Phone ......+64 3 477 5552
Secretary ..... Anna McCreath Munro
Phone ..... +64 3 464 0053

Facebook ..... Poles Down South 

Contact Poles Down South

2 + 14 =

Poles in New Zealand   We would like to hear from Poles or people with any Polish connection, who visited New Zealand and particularly those of you who paid a visit or lived anywhere in Otago or Southland.

Polski  “Poles Down South” jest stroną internetową organizacji polonijnej w Nowej Zelandii działającej w rejonie Otago i Southland na Wyspie Południowej. Siedzibą organizacji jest Dunedin.