.+64 3 477 5552
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Otago Harbour, New Zealand

Rural Poland

Dunedin City

Warsaw Concert

Royal Palace, Warsaw

Polish Heritage of Otago and Southland Charitable Trust (POHOS)






Celebrating Artists in the Otago Region at the Community Art Gallery 26 Princes Street, Dunedin 7th – 16th February, 2025  11am–6pm every day



The Polish Heritage of Otago and Southland Charitable Trust takes much pleasure in presenting a fund-raising exhibition of art works from many of Otago’s celebrated artists and, invite you to stop into the Gallery during the period noted above to view, enjoy and, perhaps even purchase one these wonderful pieces of fine art.  Please come and visit the exhibitions last few day. Final day on Sunday. Art show to give aid to new uni department for Breast Cancer Research.



Book Launched – Poles Down South 

Many Years of Dedicated Research came to fruition on Saturday, 18th November 2023, with the launch of Paul Klemick’s book

“Poles Down South”.

The Story of Early Polish Settlers In Otago & Southland.

The following launches were held

2 March 2024 at the residence of Jim Binnie of 24 Caernarvon Street, Allanton (old Switalla cottage) at 1pm (Przynieś talerz)

12 March 2024 at the Oamaru Public Library at 6pm

5 August 2024 at the Invercargill Public Library at 2pm

More launches to follow and will let you know soon

This limited edition is available for on-line purchase

and at Papers Plus in the Dunedin Meridian

click for more info and contact for online purchase

Polish Heritage of Otago and Southland Charitable Trust (POHOS)

Who We Are

Joining the Polish Heritage of Otago and Southland Charitable Trust (POHOS) means that you become part of a community of early Polish settlers, more recent Polish immigrants, and a network of citizens primarily in Otago and Southland – brought together through a shared curiosity and passion for Polish language, culture, ethnicity and family heritage.

The Polish Trust offers enjoyable opportunities to discover, learn about and, support the Trust’s events and undertakings.

Our events provide welcoming places – locally and occasionally nationally – to hear excellent lectures, participate in events including special church services and Christmas celebrations, assist in the fostering and encouragement of Polish customs, revisit your Polish heritage and share with like minds, while exchanging your ideas and knowledge about local and national kinships alongside the efforts and goals of the Polish Heritage Trust.

Our Trust was formed in 1998 at the time when Otago was celebrating 150 years of existence and when little was known, in New Zealand, of the early Polish pioneers. It was with the coming together, at that time, of recent immigrants and the descendants of those early settlers of 1872 that brought about the beginnings of the Polish Heritage of Otago and Southland Charitable Trust. Our aims then, as they are today, were to bring to the people of Dunedin and New Zealand awareness of our heritage and in the longer term to extend that awareness to the peoples of Poland.


Spoken Polish
If you would like to hear the Polish names and text spoken in Polish then we can help.
Firstly click on this link "Text to Polish" and then copy the text you wish to hear, and paste it into the translation box. You can either listen to it or have it download onto your machine.
Enjoy !!

Paul Klemick, QSM

This website is due almost entirely to years of dedication by Paul Klemick in researching and documenting the story of Polish settlement in New Zealand, and particularly in the Otago Southland area.

…. more


Chairperson .....  Ewa Rożecka Pollard
Phone ......+64 3 477 5552
Secretary ..... Anna McCreath Munro
Phone ..... 021 127 4974

Facebook ..... Poles Down South 

Contact Poles Down South

1 + 14 =

Poles in New Zealand   We would like to hear from Poles or people with any Polish connection, who visited New Zealand and particularly those of you who paid a visit or lived anywhere in Otago or Southland.

Polski  “Poles Down South” jest stroną internetową organizacji polonijnej w Nowej Zelandii działającej w rejonie Otago i Southland na Wyspie Południowej. Siedzibą organizacji jest Dunedin.