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POHOS chairpersons report 2001

 Polish Heritage Trust of Otago and Southland

Chairperson’s Report

The 3rd Annual Report of the Polish Heritage Trust of Otago & Southland 2000 – 2001

It is with pleasure that I present the 3rd Annual report of the Polish Heritage Trust of Otago & Southland.  The Trust’s Board should be well pleased of the achievements of the past year, and I take this opportunity to thank the Board members for their full support and encouragement during my first term as Chairperson.

Our first gathering of the year was a picnic and barbeque after Mass at the Mary Queen of Peace Church on the 26th November, which was well supported by members, and Broad Bay parishioners.

The Jubilee 2000 celebrations on the 1st – 3rd December, was an opportunity for the Trust to present our Polish Heritage to the wider Community.  A replica of the Broad Bay Church was exhibited on the stage, a display was presented, and both the Polish dance group and singing group entertained.

Trust member joined with the Macandrew Bay Community for a Ecumenical Carol service on the 16th December.

Christmas Mass was celebrated on the 24th December, at the Broad Bay church, where had painted tree baubles were distributed.

Monthly masses have continued a the Broad Bay church throughout the year, with many of the local community attending.  The masses have been well supported with numbers of up to 40 attending.  Special thanks to Father Maloney for his help and support of the Trust, he has been a great friend to us all.

On the 25th April, ANZAC Day, board members attended the dawn service and laid a wreath in Poland’s national colours of red and white.

Poland’s National Day, 3rd May, saw the Polish flag flying for the first time from the Dunedin Civic Centre, later a mass was celebrated a the Mary Queen of Peace Church.  An evening of song and dance followed.  There was a good attendance of 120 including members of other ethnic groups.

At the June monthly Mass, Father Maloney gave a special blessing to our German friends, Reglindis and Martin Zehrer and their unborn child, who were returning home to Germany.  This was followed by morning tea a the church and a pot luck lunch in the Ae Concern Hall in South Dunedin, a number of Waverley parishioners also attended.

All Souls Day was celebrated on the 2nd November at the Anderson’s Bay Cemetery, a group of members lit candles and placed them on the graves of relatives.

The most satisfying achievement this year surely must be the replacement of the windows at the Mary Queen of Peace church at Broad Bay.  This project was started some twelve months ago and by hard work and vision, we have today an accomplishment to be proud of. I would like to thank the Otago Community Trust and various members and friends for their generous donations in supporting our appeal.  The Sanctuary has been painted and the first visual impact is quite breathtaking. Our thanks to Edward and Ludmila Sakowski who undertook this project.  They have given us something very special that will be admired for many years.  Bishop Boyle is to consecrate the window on the 17th November.

We have continues to hold seminars throughout the year with Paul Klemick speaking on Genealogy, and his trip to Poland.  Ingrid Adamczyk spoke on her trip to Poland, and on the life of her father, Before, during and after the war.  Czesia Panek gave a very moving account of her life, from her early years in war torn Poland, her journey to New Zealand and her time in the camp at Pahiatua.

Our Polish dancers performed a the Heritage of Dance Festival celebrating International Dance Day on the 29th April.  The dance group have entertained at ta number of other venues, and each time have received the highest accolades for their costumes an dancing.

The Trust is now a member of the Dace Otakou Otago Inc. and also the Taieri Historical Trust.

We have participated in numerous activities during the year. These have included hand painted Easter Eggs and hand decorated Christmas Tree baubles. Also our sequined vests were a great achievement and satisfaction to the members involved.

I would like to thank the following members for their contribution during the year – namely –

Paul Klemick for teaching and enouraging the Dance Group.  Also for preparing the Newsletter in the early part of the year.

Magda Sakowska for taking up the challenge of the Newsletter.

Mariusz Nowatawski for establishing the Trust’s own Website, which is now on-line.

Ludmila Sakowski for her admirable efforts as Treasurer.

The members who attend to the maintenance of the church, your efforts are very much appreciated.

Again, I thank the Board members, their husbands/wives and families, for all the tasks that they have carried out in the interest of the Trust.

Finally, special thanks to our Secretary, Russell Chiles, who has carried a huge load of the Trust’s work.  Thank you on behalf of the Board and myself for your enthusiasm and support.

I believe that we have had a very successful year, and achieved the aims of the Trust’s Deed.  We have promoted our heritage and culture to a wide range of the community, through the many ventures that we have been involved in.

Patricia Clark




Chairperson .....  Ewa Rożecka Pollard
Phone ......+64 3 477 5552
Secretary ..... Anna McCreath Munro
Phone ..... 021 127 4974

Facebook ..... Poles Down South 

Contact Poles Down South

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Poles in New Zealand   We would like to hear from Poles or people with any Polish connection, who visited New Zealand and particularly those of you who paid a visit or lived anywhere in Otago or Southland.

Polski  “Poles Down South” jest stroną internetową organizacji polonijnej w Nowej Zelandii działającej w rejonie Otago i Southland na Wyspie Południowej. Siedzibą organizacji jest Dunedin.