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Teike Family

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KLIMEK (Pol) derived from (Eng) and (Dut) Clement. The name Clement achieved popularity firstly through having been borne by an early Saint who was a disciple of Saint Paul, and later because it was selected as a symbolic name by a number of Popes. Meaning: mild.

PAROBKIEWICZ (Pol) parobek. Meaning: Farmhand, hireling.

SMOLIŃSKI (Pol) smola. Meaning: tar, pitch, or smolicto dirty.

TEIKE possibly from Teich (Ger, Jew). Meaning: topograhic name for someone who lived by a pond or lake or one who came from Teich (low ground) in Germany. It is believed the family is of Prussian descent. In New Zealand the surname develops from Teike to Teiky and finally to Tikey as we know it today.


Friedrich Wilhelm Teike, a farm labourer, (b. 1846–d. 1937) was born at Liniewko on 03 November 1846, the son of (Prussian) Frantz Ludwig Teike (b. 1813) and (Polish) Maryanna Parobkiewicz (b. 1812–d. 1885). Friedrich married on 25 October 1868 at Church of the Holy Trinity in Lubiszewo-Tczewskie to Matilda Julianna Klimek (b. 23 January 1848 at Kamierowo–d. 1921), the daughter of Maciej Klimek (b. 1819–d. 1899) and Anna Smolińska (b. 1820–d. 1882). The family born at Liniewko were: Franciszka (Mary) (b. 1869–d. 1956) and Franciszek (b. 1871–d. 1919). The family moved to the village of Rokitki where Matilda’s family were residing.  The family left here for Hamburg and set sail aboard the Palmerston on 29 July 1872, arriving at Port Chalmers near Dunedin on 6 December 1872.


Listed aboard were: Friedr. W. Teike age 26, Mathilda 25, Francisca 3 and Franz 9 months.  They were sent south to Scroggs Creek on contract work with Brogden and Sons to lay the southern railway through the Taieri. While living on the Taieri, Matilda gave birth to John (b. 1874–d. 1874) and Anna (b. 1876–d. 1876). Frederick purchased section 19 and 20 of Block 12 in the settlement of Allanton on 1 June 1877. The family then moved to Waihola where two more children were born: Joseph (b. 1878–d. 1954), who was fostered out to the Annis family of Waihola, and Martha (b. 1880–d. 1911). In 1882. the family moved to Fairfield where Frederick worked at the brickworks. Here Matilda gave birth to Janet (b. 1882–d. 1980). Around 1884, the family moved to East Taieri (Riccarton), where Matilda purchased a house with half an-acre for the sum of £175 on irregular Block, part 36 of Riccarton township. A letter was sent to Frederick in New Zealand making him sole heir of the family property at Liniewko, most probably at the time of his widowed mother’s death in 1885. Frederick declined the offer as it would require him to return to Germany and have to deal with the German authorities and in doing so destroyed the letter. In 1885, Fred began working for the Walton Park Coal Co, where he was earning 7s a day as a miner. The family born at Riccarton (East Taieri) were: Martin (b. 1884–d. 1970), Louis (b. 1886–d. 1887) and Catherina (b. 1887–d. 1888). Unfortunately, by 1888, accumulated debt had forced them to sell their property in Riccarton.  It was agreed to sell the property to Mr Gamble for £150 and Fred declared bankruptcy on 23 December 1889.


Fred Tikey, courtesy of Carl McKenzie


“MEETINGS OF CREDITORS. Re F, Tykey. A meeting of creditors in the estate of Frederick Tykey, of East Taieri, labourer, was held in the official assignee’s office on the afternoon of the 11th. Mr Weave appeared for the bankrupt, whose statement was as follows. —Liabilities: Unsecured creditors, £128 18s 8d. Assets: One cow, £41; furniture, £10; total, £14. Deficiency, £114 18s 8d. The creditors are as follow: John Williams, East Taieri, £47 4s; James Louden, Fairfield, £45 3s 2d; W. Hollands, Greytown, £1; — Duff, Outram, £3 11s 10d; Robert Finnie, Riccarton, £7; -William Cameron, Mosgiel, £3 2s 4d; — Harper, Mosgiel, £7; T McLean, Green Island, £5 19s 1d; Mrs W. Allen, Mosgiel, £4 4s; A. Wilson, Mosgiel, £2; J. F. Leary, Mosgiel, £2 14s. The Bankrupt, examined by the assignee, said that he had been working at Walton Park for the last three years at 7s a day, but he sometimes lost two days a week by bad weather. His wife bought a house and quarter-acre of land at Riccarton about four years ago for £175, paying for it out of the wages of two of the children who worked in the factory. The place was mortgaged to the Equitable Investment Society, to be paid off by monthly instalments, but none of bankrupt’s wages went to pay off the mortgage. The children lived with him; they were at the factory for about 12 months earning 10s a week each, but the boy had since gone to Melbourne. About a fortnight ago £110 was received by bankrupt’s wife from her brother in Melbourne, but this was sent back as the brother sent word that he wanted it for a contract. The assignee at this stage adjourned the meeting for a few minutes in order to go with the bankrupt to the bank and inquire as to the truth of this statement. On resuming, The Assignee said that on inquiring at the Colonial Bank he found that the bankrupt’s story was quite true. Bankrupt got a draft from Melbourne and sent back £99 odd to Clemack, from whom it had come. Bankrupt, continuing, said that the house had been sold to Mr Gamble, and the balance of the purchase money— about £20— was coming to his wife. The Assignee said it appeared to him that it was the bankrupt’s wife who ought to be examined.


One of the Tikey cottages, courtesy of Bernie Tikey of Westport


Thomas Eric & Fred Tikey at Abbotsford, Green Island, courtesy of Eric & Jessie Tikey, Abbotsford

A Creditor remarked that it was very strange that Tykey could not keep out of debt on 7s a day. Mr Williams (another creditor) said that bankrupt had had some lodgers, to which Bankrupt replied that he had never got sixpence out of them. The Assignee thought that he had better give notice to Mr Webb (agent for Mr Gamble) not to pay over the £20 said to be coming to Mrs Tykey. This was agreed to; and it was also decided to examine Mrs Tykey, the meeting standing adjourned till next Wednesday. An adjourned meeting in the estate of F. Tykey, of East Taieri, was held on Wednesday afternoon. Mr Neave appeared for the debtor, and there were four creditors in attendance. The meeting had been called specially to examine Mrs Tykey, whose statement was in effect as follows: — She had no property now; she had sold it. It was a house and half an acre, which was sold to Mr Gamble. She gave £175 for it about four years and a-half ago. The money to buy this with had been borrowed from the Equitable Building Society. Mr Mackelskie (Mehalski) assisted her in obtaining this money. Part of the mortgage was paid off every month. This came from the wages of two children employed at the factory. One of the children made about 12s per week; the other 12s to 14s; but witness could not say exactly how much they earned. Witness kept the children and found them in clothes; the rest of their money went towards the house. At odd times, when she was hard up, witness got money from a brother in Victoria, Felix Clemack. When this brother was here, she told him that she could not pay for the house, and he replied that if she sent him the deeds he would pay up. He sent £110, but meanwhile she had sold the house to Mr Gamble, so the money was sent back all but £10. Witness had been keeping two children belonging to another brother who lived at Waihola. For doing this she got 5s per week and the use of a horse; her brother said that was all he could give her. This brother had been away 18 months, and occasionally sent money. Twice he had sent £5. Witness believed that Mr Gamble paid some money to her husband on account of the house; she got £6 out of it. She consented to the sale to Mr Gamble. There was £108 due to the society when she sold the house. The price Mr Gamble agreed to pay was £150. Witness had no money in the bank or anywhere. She sometimes got £2 17s and sometimes £3 from her husband in a fortnight. The Assignee remarked that morally there seemed to be little doubt that any money still coming from Mr Gamble should go to the creditors, but it would be for the lawyers to say whether this could be recovered. The family had been maintained at the expense of the creditors, and then Mrs Tykey set up an independent claim to what property there was. In answer to the assignee bankrupt said that he had given £10 to his solicitors, of which £4 only was his own money; the rest he had got from his wife. The Assignee said that the only thing he could do was to caution Mrs Tykey that if money was paid over, she must not part with it. Of course, if the creditors thought this the proper course they would have to provide him with means to sue her, and if there was a question of title to the land the case would have to go to the Supreme Court. The creditors present expressed the opinion that it would be unwise to pursue the case in the Supreme Court, but that action ought to be taken if it could be brought in the R.M. Court and there was a chance of success. It was agreed to send for Mr Solomon and ask for his advice in the matter. This was done, and Mr Solomon advising that there was no chance of succeeding the meeting broke up without passing any resolution.” Otago Witness, 19 October 1888, p 21


The Walton Park School in Fairfeld. The Tikey family resided in the property across the road from the school grounds where Anna Klimeck (nee Smolinska) passed away in 1882, now 26 Main Road. Part of Fairfield & Saddle Hill, 1909


The family returned to Fairfield, just up from the brickworks, where the rest of the family were born: Harriet Matilda (b. 1889), Albert Felix (b. 1892–d. 1931) and Thomas Eric (b. 1893–d. 1970). From 1896 to 1898 Frederick resided at Shag Point working in the coalmines there. His father-in-law, Mathias Klimek, resided with him at the time. Matilda died at Fairfield on 20 February 1921 aged 73 and is buried at the Andersons Bay Cemetery in Dunedin.

“DEATHS. TIKEY.—On February 20, 1921, at her residence, Fairfield, Matilda, dearly beloved wife of Frederick Tikey; aged 70 years. R.l.P.—Funeral will leave her late residence, Main South road, Fairfield, To-morrow (Tuesday), 22nd inst., at 1 p.m., for the Anderson’s Bay Cemetery.—Hugh Gourley (Ltd.), undertakers.” Otago Daily Times, 21 February 1921, p 4

“IN MEMORIAM. TIKEY. —In loving memory of our dear mother, who died at Fairfield on February 22. 1921. How constantly we think of you, dear mother. With eyes and hearts that fill. The love we had for you in life In death is stronger still. Not dead to us that loved you dearly, Not lost, but gone before. You live with us in memory still, And will for evermore. —lnserted by her loving husband, sons, and daughters.” Otago Daily Times, 22 February 1927, p 8

“Taieri County Council. M. Tikey, Saddle Hill, asked permission to make a roadway to his place. The engineer reported he had given permission, provided the work was carried out under the foreman’s instructions.—Approved. “ Otago Daily Times, 30 May 1921, P 9

Frederick, a resident at Fairfield, was naturalised as a New Zealand citizen on 2 October 1929 at Green Island.

“Nightcaps Notes. Mr F. Tikey, Green Island, who is wonderfully hale and hearty despite his 90 years, has been the guest of Mrs Hood, Nightcaps.” Southland Times, 4 January 1936, p 7

Fred died at Ophir where his youngest son, Thomas Eric, had the Blacks Hotel on 20 August 1937 aged 89. He is buried at the Andersons Bay Cemetery in Dunedin.

“DEATHS. TIKEY—On August 20. 1937, at Ophir, Frank (Fred), beloved husband of the late Matilda Tikey, late of Fairfield; in his ninety-fourth year. R.l.P—Privately interred yesterday.—Hugh Gourley, Ltd., funeral directors.” Otago Daily Times, 23 August 1937, p 8


Franciszka (Mary) Teike, courtesy of Carl McKenzie


Francisca (Mary) Tikey was born at Liniewko on 26 August 1869.  While residing at Riccarton, Mary started work at the Mosgiel Woollen Mills in 1887, where she was earning around 12s a week to help with expenses at home. She married in a double wedding ceremony on 18 July 1894 at St. Mary’s in Mosgiel to Thomas Daniel Blaney (b. 1866 at Poraferry, Ireland–d. 1933), the son of Daniel Blaney (b. 1831) and Jane Emily Orr (b. 1850). They first lived on an orchard at Mosgiel until fire moved them to Fairfield. It is believed they lived at one time in the old Tikey house, across from the Walton School, then built a home further up from the Walton school. At Fairfield they had a son, Edward James (b. 1902–d. 1950). Tom worked for a time as a coalminer at Fairfield and Nightcaps in Southland. Mary was known as a great cook working for a hotel at one time. Mary and Tom moved to Port Chalmers where they resided with a Swede, Charlie Johanson, aboard the steamer Kaikoraia. Alongside, were two other steamers, which Tom was caretaker. During the second world war, both Tom, and son Ted as cabin boy, worked on the hospital ship Maheno. Mary died at Dunedin on 6 December 1956 aged 87 and is buried at the Port Chalmers Cemetery.


Back row; Joseph, Martha, Martin & Janet Tikey. Front row; Annie Klimeck, Thomas Eric Tikey & Felix Klimeck. c. 1895, courtesy of Martin Klemick, Nightcaps (Name Klimeck was changed to Klemick when Felix married in 1908).


Frank Tikey was born at Liniewko on 13 October 1871.  While residing at Riccarton, Frank too worked at the Mosgiel Woollen Mills in 1887 to help out at home.  Around 1888, Frank went to Melbourne, possibly to join with other Poles on the railway there.  He returned to New Zealand and in 1900 married at Oamaru to Annie Blackman (b. 1878 at Oamaru–d. 1961), the daughter of William Blackman (b. 1854–d. 1927) and Charlotte Ramsay (b. 1856–d. 1916). The family born at Winton were: Charlotte Martha (b. 1901–d. 1940), at Nightcaps; Anne (b. 1905–d. 1968), Frederick William (b. 1907–d. 1964), Gladys Matilda (b. 1908–d. 1973), at Scots Gap; May Harriett (b. 1911–d. 2003) and at Riverton; Elizabeth Mabel (b. 1913–d. 1981).

“OTAUTAU COURTS. Acclimatisation Cases. John Friend, Ranger for Southland Acclimatisation Society v Frank Tikey, Arthur Harrie, Alex. Dempster, Martin Tikey, and Robert McDowell, (all of Nightcaps), breach of the Animal Protection Act, to wit, trespassing on private land in pursuit of hare, and on another charge of unlawfully using a dog for the purpose of taking hares without a license. The Society only proceeded in one case of trespass. Mr Russell opened the case on behalf of the Society, and Mr Armstead appeared for defendants. Constable Porteous„ stationed at Nightcaps, remembered seeing defendant on Mr Ritchie’s ground and saw defendants. Harrie had two greyhounds on slips. It was a properly arranged affair altogether. There were .about twenty people present. Saw Frank Tikey with a greyhound, and he took a hare home with him, and he admitted that he had no license- Did not see the greyhound catch the hare. Mr Armstead, in opening for the defence said that it was a common practice to go on this property to train their dogs. The people at Nightcaps took a grwit deal of interest in coursing. Arhtur Harrie, Sworn, remembered the date oi the charge. Went out in afternoon with dogs in leash. Had one of Mr Griffins dogs with him. Met by appointment Mr M’Donough, and took charge of one of his dogs. Did not course the dogs all day. Took the dogs out as usual to train them for coursing matches. Was not in pursuit of game, and did not course all day.  Cross examined by Mr Russell: Would swear that he did not kill a hare. Was not permitted to course hares when training as the dogs wouId learn to run cunning. Understood that Mr Ritchie’s head man had authority to take people on to country. The only hare he saw killed was the one Mr M’Donough’s dog caught. Was with Martin Tikey part of the day. Did not see Dempster’s dog catch a hare. Never saw Mr Griffin’s dog after hares since it was in witness’ charge some four months ago. Mr Ritcliie was called by the prosecution, who said it was absolutely untrue that accused was hundreds of times on his property. Did not allow persons to course over his land. Cross-examined by Mr Armstead: Was his opinion that accused had never been hundreds of times through his property. Frank Tikey, miner, said he was out a little before the other people that day. Had a dog on a string, and had no intention of coursing. The dog slipped its collar and got away. WouId swear that he had no intention whatever of coursing. He did not have a license.  Cross-examined by Mr Russell: Would swear distinctly that he did not see any greyhounds after hares on the day mentioned, with the exception of his own dog which broke away. Mr Russell asked the Magistrate to take these words down. Cross-examined, continued: Reason he took out the license just now was because it was cheaper. Earlier in the season the sum was one pound. Did not get permission from Mr M’ Donough to go on the land that day. Robert M’Dowell was charged with trespassing on Mr Ritchie’s land in pursuit of game with a greyhound. The penalty according to the Act, would be a sum not exceeding £5. Pleaded not guilty. Mr Russell prosecuted on behalf of the Society, who quoted the Act bearing on the case. Constable Porteous, sworn, said he saw defendant on the property with a greyhound, which was in charge of a man named Robert Irwin. Saw dog after hares but did not see any caught. Irwin had a hare in his possession when he was home. While talking to Mr M’Dowell Irwin came up and counselled the accused not to answer or tell the witness anything about the case. Mr Ritchie, sworn, said he was the owner of the property. Accused had no direct permlission to go on the land but he may have had from his manager. This closed the case lor the prosecution. Mr Armstead said it was incumbent on the prosecution to prove that these men were on tlhe land without permission, and it would only be a fair thing for the Court to take a broad view of the matter, and give them the benefit of the doubt.  The Magistrate, in giving judgment, said that he would dismiss the case seeing M’Dowell may have received permission to enter the land. Dismissed with £1 18s costs against the Society.  For the charge of being unlawfully in pursuit of game the Magistrate gave judgment as follows: F. Tikey, who pleaded not guilty, was convicted and fined £1 and solicitors fee, £1 1s, court costs ,7s; Martin Tikey, pleaded guilty, was fined £2 solicitor’s fee £1 1s, costs 9s. Arthur Dampster, pleaded guilty was fined £2 solicitor’s fee £1 1s, costs 7s. Arthur Harrie, who pleaded not guilty, was dismissed without costs.” Western Star, 29 Jun 1909, p 3

“Before Mr G. Cruickshank, S.M., yesterday, Messrs W. Lewis and Co. (Mr Mervyn Mitchell) proceeded against Frank Tikey, labourer, Nightcaps, on a judgment summons for £2 19/6. Defendant, who has six children, pleaded inability to pay owing to irregularity of work. No order was made.” Southland Times, 9 February 1918, p 4

Frank died at Dunedin on 15 September 1919 aged 47 and is buried at the Andersons Bay Cemetery in Dunedin.

“NIGHTCAPS NOTES. News has been received of the death of Mr Frank Tikey, late of this town. He leaves a wife and six children.” Western Star, 26 September 1919, p 4

“DEATHS. TIKEY.—On September 15th, 1919, at Dunedin, Frank, beloved husband of Annie Tikey: aged 46 years. Deeply mourned. Private interment.—Hugh Gourley, undertaker.” Evening Star, 16 September 1919, p 4

“IN MEMORIAM. TIKEY.—In loving memory of my dear husband, who passed away at Dunedin on September 15, 1919, Frank, beloved husband of Annie Tikey; aged 46 years. Deeply mourned and sadly misled. Wo do not forget him— We loved him too dearly, For his memory to fade from our lives like a dream; Our lips need not speak when our hearts mourn sincerely. For grief often dwells where it seldom is seen. —Inserted by Annie Tikey.” Otago Daily Times, 20 September 1920, p 4


A chance to pose for the camera. A family gathering of the Tikey and Klemick families picnicking out for the day. Fred and Matilda Tikey (née Klimek) are on the very left, Annie Klimeck has her right arm around her cousin, and Felix Klemick is third from right standing in the back, c. 1905-1915, courtesy of Martin Klemick, Nightcaps



Frank Tikey, Block 80 Plot 3 at Andersons Bay Cemetery in Dunedin


Pobόg-Jaworowski, J. W, History of the Polish Settlers in New Zealand, ed. Warsaw; Chz “Ars Polonia.” 1990, page 23.

Research Sources

Archives New Zealand, Passenger Lists, 1839-1973, FamilySearch.

Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara O Te Kawanatanga; Land Records.

Catholic Diocese of Dunedin, St Mary’s Church, Milton; Baptism Register.

Green Island and Walton School APW’s, Dunedin Hocken Library.


Matilda Tikey (nee Klimeck), Block 80, Plot 26 at Andersons Bay Cemetery in Dunedin

Lubiszewo Tczewskie and Skarszewy Parish Records, Pelplin Diocese, Poland.

McKenzie Carl, Christchurch, supplied family information, photos and genealogy.

New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs Naturalisations, Births, Deaths and Marriages.

New Zealand Wises Directories, Dunedin Public Libarary.

New Zealand Government Property Tax Department, from the rates assessment rolls, Return of Freeholders of New Zealand 1882, published 1884.

Starogard Gdański, Lutheran Church Records, ancestry.com.

Tikey Brian, Perth, supplied family information, photos & genealogy.


Frank (Fred) Tikey, Block 142 Plot 39 at Andersons Bay Cemetery in Dunedin

Mary Blaney (nee Tikey), Block LO Plot 40, at Port Chalmers Cemetery

Tikey Eric and Jessie, Abottsford, Green Island, supplied family information, photos and genealogy.

Tikey Leslie, Green Island, provided family information.


Andersons Bay Cemetery – Frank Tikey (1871-1919) – Dunedin City Council

Andersons Bay Cemetery – Frank (Fred) Tikey (1846-1937) – Dunedin City Council

Andersons Bay Cemetery – Matilda Tikey (1848-1921) – Dunedin City Council

Port Chalmers Cemetery – Mary Blaney (1869-1956) – Dunedin City Council



Compiled by Paul Klemick (2023)




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Phone ......+64 3 477 5552
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