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Szulc Family

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SZULC/SCHULTZ (Ger) Schultheiß, Schulze. Meaning: Village headman, mayor.

ZAWADZKI (Pol) zawada. Meaning: obstacle, impediment, also common toponyms – Zawada, Zawady.



Jakob Szulc (b. 1815–d. 1851) was born at Rębielcz on 05 July 1815, the son of Adam and Eleonora Szulc. Jakob married on 23 October 1842 at St. Malgorzata in Miłobądz to Anna Zawadzka (b. abt. 1816–d. 1861). The family born at Miłobądz were: Jozef (b. 1843), at Dalwin; Jakob (b. 1845–d. 1845), Jan Walenty (b. 1846–d. 1893) and Anna Rozalia (b. 1849–d. 1851). Jan Walenty was born at Dalwin on 29 August 1846. He was only five years old when his father died on 25 May 1851 and was fifteen years old when he lost his mother, exactly a decade later to the day on 25 May 1861, both at Dalwin.   He left the village of Rukosin for Hamburg where he set sail aboard the Palmerston on 29 July 1872, arriving at Port Chalmers near Dunedin on 6 December 1872.


Listed aboard were: Johann Schulz age 26. He was sent south to Scroggs Creek on contract work with Brogden and Sons to lay the southern railway through the Taieri. John followed the railway south, settling in the district of Gore in the Waikaka Valley close to a coal reserve. John married on 24 November 1875 at St. Mary’s in Invercargill to Marianna Rosalia Rydzewska (b. 19 August 1859 at Miłobądz–d. 1932), the daughter of August Walenty Rydzewski (b. 1828–d. 1905) and Rozalia Maryanna Sliwińska (b. 1832–d. 1909). In 1877, John took up section 490 of approximately 196 acres, in Croydon Bush just west of Gore. The family were: Frank Joseph (b. 1877–d. 1953), Martha Elizabeth (b. 1881–d. 1943), Joseph James (b. 1882–d. 1966) and James Thomas Andrew (b. 1884–d. 1885). After several very poor years on the farm and heavily in debt, John found himself in trouble and had to sell his land. The farm was auctioned off and he had to find other ways to feed his growing family. Around December 1884, John sold his property to Roderick McLeod and the family moved to East Gore, firstly to Halton Street, then Wentworth Street. The family born here were: Adam (b. 1886–d. 1886), James Paul (b. 1887–d. 1973), Alexander Andrew (b. 1890) and Thomas Andrew (b. 1893–d. 1972). John spent time working on the maintenance of roads in the area and also made some extra money shooting rabbits. However, his debt was too much for him and he was eventually declared as bankrupt in July 1887.


Johann and Marianna Schultz, courtesy of Maria Hurrell


“IN RE JOHN SCHULTZ, LABOURER, GORDON. In this estate the assets appeared to be a house on a leasehold section in Gordon (L4O) and a horse and saddle (30s) — total. L4l 10s; and the liabilities, L 145 12s 5d.— Mr Fletcher appeared for the creditors, and in his examination it was elicited that the bankrupt had a section on Merino Downs, on which he spent his all, to wit, a sum he received on a horse race, and that he had afterwards built in Gordon. He had a family. He got unquestioned credit from the storekeepers in Gore and Gordon, and then they all came down upon him at once and he had to file. — The meeting waa adjourned to admit of the debtor’s making some proposal; mean time the property to be sold. Wednesday, 13th July.” Southland Times, 14 July 1887, p 2

In 1893 John fell seriously ill with tuberculosis and then contracted pneumonia and could no longer work to support his family. He died on the 2nd of November 1893 at the age of 47. Mary was 34 years old and seven months pregnant at the time, and was left a widow with seven young children to raise on her own.

“A concert, under the auspices of the local Druids, was given in the Town Hall, Gore, on Wednesday evening, for the benefit of the widow and family of the late John Schultz. The object for which the concert was given, and the fact that several of the items were kindly undertaken almost at a moment’s notice, in order to stop gaps, renders it inadvisable to deal critically with the individual performers. There were several really enjoyable items, notably Mrs. Brett’s rendering of Auld Robin Gray, which was sung as Mrs. Brett only appears to know how to sing it, and was deservedly encored; Messrs Matheson and Wright’s duet “All’s Well,” and Mr. Bowler’s Death of Nelson. A couple of part songs were also well sung, but the first was a funereal item and very unsuited to the occasion. None of the remaining numbers call for special mention; some were fair; others decidedly wanting; and taken a whole the performers were a bit off colour, as sporting men say. Considering the wet night, the attendance was very good, but there was a certain element present whose room would have been preferable to their company. The dance that followed was well attended, and it is satisfactory to know that the result of the entertainment will be a substantial amount in aid of a worthy object.” Mataura Ensign, 20 April 1894

The total amount collected was totalled at £18. John was buried at the Gore Cemetery.

Frank, a farmer and brother Jack, a nurseryman, helped support the family, being no social welfare in those days. Mary was naturalised as a New Zealand Citizen on the 24th of August 1926 and died on the 22nd of January 1932 at Gore. Mary is buried with her husband at the Gore Cemetery.


John Schultz and Mary (nee Rydzewska), Catholic Block 47 Plot 9 at Gore Cemetery


Pobόg-Jaworowski, J. W, History of the Polish Settlers in New Zealand, ed. Warsaw; Chz “Ars Polonia.” 1990, page 171.

Research Sources

Archives New Zealand, Passenger Lists, 1839-1973, FamilySearch.

Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara O Te Kawanatanga; Land Records.

Catholic Diocese of Dunedin, St Mary’s Church, Milton; Baptism Register.

Hurrell Maria, Gore, supplied photos and family information.

Miłobądz Parish Records, Pelplin Diocese, Poland.

New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs Naturalisations, Births, Deaths and Marriages.


Gore Cemetery – John Schultz (1846-1893) » Gore District Council (goredc.govt.nz)


Compiled by Paul Klemick (2022)



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Phone ......+64 3 477 5552
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Phone ..... 021 127 4974

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