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Plew Family

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PLEW (Pol) plewa. Meaning: husk, shell.


Johanna Matilda Plew (b. 1835–d. 1897) was born at Klaipeda and left for Hamburg where she set sail aboard the Palmerston on 29 July 1872, arriving at Port Chalmers near Dunedin on 6 December 1872.

Listed aboard were: Mathilda Plew age 34. Johanna settled in Dunedin, possibly as a house servant, until she married on 30 March 1876 at Dunedin to a farmer, Herman Henrickson (b. 1832 at Copenhagen, Denmark–d. 1904). They had no children but brought up Barbara, her brother’s eldest child. They lived for a short time in Pine Hill before moving to the North Island. Johanna died at Pukete on 13 May 1897 aged 62 and Herman died on 3 February 1904 at Avondale Mission Home in Auckland.



Pobόg-Jaworowski, J. W, History of the Polish Settlers in New Zealand, ed. Warsaw; Chz “Ars Polonia.” 1990, page 23.

Research Sources

Archives New Zealand, Passenger Lists, 1839-1973, FamilySearch.


Compiled by Paul Klemick (2022)

(note from webmaster ;-     I was unable to find a place in Poland named Klaipeda, so have mapped Klaiped in Lithuania)


Chairperson .....  Ewa Rożecka Pollard
Phone ......+64 3 477 5552
Secretary ..... Anna McCreath Munro
Phone ..... 021 127 4974

Facebook ..... Poles Down South 

Contact Poles Down South

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Poles in New Zealand   We would like to hear from Poles or people with any Polish connection, who visited New Zealand and particularly those of you who paid a visit or lived anywhere in Otago or Southland.

Polski  “Poles Down South” jest stroną internetową organizacji polonijnej w Nowej Zelandii działającej w rejonie Otago i Southland na Wyspie Południowej. Siedzibą organizacji jest Dunedin.