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Mr. C. E. Haughton to Mr. C. Allan

Immigration Office, Wellington, 12th February, 1873.


I have the honor, by direction of the Hon. Minister for Lands and Immigration, to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 31st ultimo, and in reply to inform you that Mr. O’Rorke has perused it with great satisfaction, and he considers you have shown great judgment in the manner in which you procured employment for the large body of foreigners who arrived in Otago by the “Palmerston.”  You also appear to have exercised a wise discretion in removing from the Barracks those immigrants who could not obtain employment in the ordinary way from the settlers to the railway works, and the expenditure incurred on that account, though without authority, will be approved; as a rule, however, except in cases of extreme urgency, authority should be obtained by telegraph.

The Government trust that His Honor the Superintendent will be able to give effect to your suggestions as to the advisableness of land being offered for sale in the vicinity of the works on which these immigrants are now employed, with a view to their permanent settlement in the locality.

A copy of your letter will be transmitted to the Agent-General for his information.

I have, &c.,

E. Haughton