Gdaniec Family

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GDANIEC (Pol) Meaning: resident of Gdańsk.
GRABOWSKI (Pol) grab. Meaning: hornbeam (a tree resembling a beech).
ZIELIŃSKI (Pol) zieleń. Meaning: the colour green.
Paweł Gdaniec (b. abt. 1800–d. 1861), married on 21 November 1830 at St. Małgorzata in Miłobądz to Elzbieta Grabowska (b. 2 July 1814 at Laguszewo), the daughter of Pawel Grabowski (b. 1771–d. 1821) and Maryanna Zielinska (b. 1775). The family born at Miescin were: Michal Franciszek (b. 1832–d. 1832), Paweł Franciszek (b. 1833), at Łukocin; Jozef Heinrich (b. 1836), Franciszek Xavier (b. 1839), Ignacy Walenty (b. 1841–d. 1845), at Dalwin; Jakob (b. 1844), at Szczerbięcin; August Wilhelm (b. 1846), Jan Marcin (b. 1849) and Maryanna (b. 1852). Paweł Gdaniec died on 21 July 1861 at Małżewko aged 61. Elzbieta then remarried on 1 November 1863 at Church of the Holy Trinity in Lubiszewo-Tczewskie to Franciszek Chajewski (b. 16 December 1833 at Lubieszyn –d. 1883), the son of Jozef Michal Chajewski (b. 1800–d. 1856) and Ewa Blok (b. 1808–d. 1891). It appears their son Jacob was the first to immigrate and left Lubizewo-Tzewskie for Hamburg where he set aboard the Palmerston on 29 July 1872, arriving at Port Chalmers near Dunedin on 6 December 1872.
Jacob Gdaniec was born at Dalwin on 19 March 1844. Listed aboard the Palmerston were: Jacob Gdanitz age 28. He invested in Crown Grant land in the North Harbour and Blueskin district (Pine Hill, Dunedin) in 1876 and left the area around 1883 for Greytown (Allanton) where he took up some property. At the same time, he had also taken up property in the Otokia area with his brother August. Jacob is last recorded in the ‘1895 Otago and Southland Directory’, as a labourer at Greytown (Allanton). His whereabouts are unkown.
August Wilhelm Gdaniec was born at Szczerbięcin on 4 November 1846. He left Friederchobey, according to the shipping list, for Hamburg where he set aboard the Humboldt on 19 October 1874, arriving at Port Nicholson in Wellington on 28 January 1875. Listed aboard were: August W. Gedanitz age 28. While in New Zealand he worked as a farmer and labourer. In 1883 he had taken up some property in the Otokia area with his brother Jacob and sold the property on 11 September 1888. The last known account of August, was residing at Greytown (Allanton). His whereabouts are unknown.
Their mother and step father, Frank Chajewski, arrived in New Zealand aboard the Lammershagen in 1875. Frank died in in Allanton in 1883 and it appears that Jakob and August Wilhelm went abroad around the mid-1890s taking their mother with them.
Pobόg-Jaworowski, J. W, History of the Polish Settlers in New Zealand, ed. Warsaw; Chz “Ars Polonia.” 1990, pages 22 & 48.
Research Sources
Archives New Zealand, Passenger Lists, 1839-1973, FamilySearch.
Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara O Te Kawanatanga; Land Records.
Godziszewo, Lubiszewo Tczewskie, Miłobądz & Trąbki Wielkie Parish Records, Pelplin Diocese, Poland.
Compiled by Paul Klemick (2022)
Chairperson ..... Ewa Rożecka Pollard
Phone ......+64 3 477 5552
Secretary ..... Anna McCreath Munro
Phone ..... 021 127 4974
Facebook ..... Poles Down South
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