Dovalosky Family
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Johann Dovalosky (b. 1822–d. 1899) the son of Johan Dovoloski and Maria Bendik, married about 1866 to Elizabeth Myeros (b. at Budapest–d. 1872) and settled in Košice in Slovakia, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The family were: Maria (b. 1867–d. 1921), Anna (b. 1868–d. 1899), Katarzyna (b. 1871) and Leonore (b. 1872–d. 1939). After the death of Elizabeth in 1872 Jan remarried to Katarzyna Maicrish (b. 1845 at Bologdo–d. 1920). Jan was of Polish origin and Katarzyna was ethnically Hungarian. The family left for Hamburg with intentions to go to Santos in Brazil but were told there was a fire on the original ship and an epidemic of yellow fever prevented any landing as the port was closed. From here it becomes a bit blurred but we do know they set aboard the ship Prague for New Zealand via England on 5 April 1874. In England the family boarded the Sussex on 16 Apr 1874, during which, their personal luggage and bedding had been overlooked and was never put aboard, there being many other families also affected. Fellow passengers loaned what little they had for the unfortunate travelers, arriving at Port Chalmers near Dunedin on 17 Jul 1874.
Listed aboard were: Johann Duvalovczsky age 38, Catharina (pregnant) 28, Maria 7, Anna 5, Catharina 3 and Leonore 2. It took 26 months and many letters to and fro to receive a final compensation payment to each immigrant of £3/10/- from England who continually denied any responsibility. The family first resided at Waipahi along with other German families from the ship Sussex to work on the railway development before they travelled south to the settlement of Germantown (Waikaka Valley). The family born at Germanton were: John (b. 1875), Francisca (b. 1878–d. 1953), Frank (b. 1880–d. 1932) and Elvena Winifred (b. 1881–d. 1966). On 28 Feb 1878, Johann purchased 22 acres at Germantown, a subdivision of 200 acres owned by Johann Bucholz. Shortly later, John sold half of his 22 acres to John Klukowski.
“Shortly after 1 o’clock this morning, a two-roomed house, situated at Germantown, about two miles from Gore, and occupied by Mr Dovoloski, was, with its contents, destroyed by fire. The Victorian insurance office held a risk over the place.” Mataura Ensign, 12 December 1895
Catharine Dovalosky was natuaralised a New Zealand citizen on 21 February 1901 residing at Gore. John died on 14 April 1899 aged 77 and Catharine died on 28 July 1920 aged 75. Both are buried at the Gore Cemetery.
Maria Dovalosky married on 10 September 1881 to William Gutschlag (b. 1846–d. 1929). The family born at Gore were: William (b. 1883–d. 1958), Mary Louisa (b. 1884–d. 1976), August (b. 1885–d. 1981), Kate (b. 1888–d. 1964), Annie (b. 1890–d. 1972), Charles (b. 1892), Frank (b. 1893–d. 1932), Thomas (b. 1896–d. 1968), Maggie (b. 1899), James Albert (b. 1905–d. 1905) and Minnie Elizabeth (b. 1905–d. 1952). Mary died on 29 January 1921 and is buried at the Gore Cemetery.
Anna Agnes Dovalosky married on 7 April 1883 at Gore to Johan Bucholz. The family born at Germantown were: Annie (b. 1884–d. 1933), Elizabeth (b. 1885–d. 1968), James (b. 1890–d. 1890), Margaret (b. 1891–d. 1967), Susannah (b. 1891–d. 1988), James (b. 1895–d. 1962), Adam (b. 1897) and Issac (b. 1898–d. 1898). Anna died of paralysis on 22 February 1899 aged 31 and is buried at the Gore Cemetery.
Catharina Dovalosky married on 3 April 1888 at Gore to Thomas King (b. 1866). The family were: Thomas Henry (b. 1889–d. 1966), Francis (b. 1891–d. 1962), Margaret (b. 1894–d. 1934), John (b. 1896–d. 1962), Myrtle Elizabeth (b. 1902–d. 1982), William Harold (b. 1904–d. 1904), Ethel Dorothy (b. 1905), Irene Phyllis (b. 1907), Katherine (b. 1911–d. 1911) and James Martin (b. 1911–d. 1999). Catherine died on 16 October 1948 and is buried at the Shannon Cemetery in Wellington.
Leonore (Ellen) Dovalosky married on 16 May 1888 at Gore to Max Hoffman (b. 1865–d. 1936). The family born at Gore were: Mary Jane (b. 1889–d. 1889), Maximillian (b. 1889–d. 1889), Margaret Ann (b. 1890–d. 1961), James (b. 1892–d. 1960), Annie Ellen (b. 1894–d. 1968), Frances (b. 1898–d. 1983), Maximillian (b. 1899–d. 1899), John (b. 1900–d. 1901), Eileen (b. 1901–d. 1985), Thomas (b. 1903–d. 1976), Maxwell (b. 1905–d. 1976), Ernest William (b. 1907–d. 1976) and Frederick (b. 1911). Leonore died on 3 March 1939 aged 67 and is buried at the Gore Cemetery.
Pobόg-Jaworowski, J. W, History of the Polish Settlers in New Zealand, ed. Warsaw; Chz “Ars Polonia.” 1990, page 47.
Research Sources
Archives New Zealand, Passenger Lists, 1839-1973, FamilySearch.
Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara O Te Kawanatanga; Land Records.
Badman Ron, supplied family Information.
NZ Department of Internal Affairs Naturalisations, Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Gore Cemetery – Annie Bucholz – (1868-1899) » Gore District Council (
Gore Cemetery – Catherine Dovalosky (1845-1920) » Gore District Council (
Gore Cemerery – Ellen Hoffman (1872-1939) » Gore District Council (
Gore Cemetery – John Dovalosky (1822-1899) » Gore District Council (
Gore Cemetery – Mary Gutschlag (1868-1921) » Gore District Council (
Shannon Cemetery – Catherine King (1870-1948) – Horowhenua District Council
Compiled by Paul Klemick (2022)
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Phone ......+64 3 477 5552
Secretary ..... Anna McCreath Munro
Phone ..... +64 3 464 0053
Facebook ..... Poles Down South
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