Bucholc Family

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BUCHOLZ (Ger) buchholz. Meaning: literally beechwood.
JABŁOŃSKI (Pol) jabłoń/jabłonka. Meaning: apple tree.
MICHAŁOWSKI (Pol) Michał. Meaning: who is like God.
RADKOWSKI (Pol) rad. Meaning: joy or first names Radek or Rodko.
Jan Franciszek Bucholc (b. 1841—d. 1926) was born at Zabagno on 27 December 1841, the son of Jan Stefan Bucholc (b. 1805—d. 1841) and Magdalena Radkowska (b. abt. 1815—d. 1892). Jan married on 3 March 1867 at Church of the Holy Trinity in Lubiszewo-Tczewskie to Anna Agniszka Jabłońska (b. 22 January 1844 at Swarożyn—1882), the daughter of Fillip Jabłoński (b. 1818—d. 1878) and Maryanna Michałowska (b. 1824—d. 1866). The family born at Lubiszewo-Tczewskie were: Jozef Michal (b. 1867—d. 1952), at Małżewko; Angelika (Helen Amelia) (b. 1869—d. 1899) and Anna (b. 1871—d. 1871). From the village of Małżewko the family left for Hamburg where they set sail aboard the Palmerston on 29 July 1872 arriving at Port Chalmers near Dunedin on 6 December 1872.
Listed aboard were: Johann Buchholz age 31, Anna 28, Joseph 4 and Amelia 2. During the voyage Anna gave birth to a baby girl—Mary (b. 1872—d. 1939). The family was sent south to Scroggs Creek on contract work with Brogden and Sons to lay the southern railway through the Taieri and by March 73’ they were residing at Waihola. In mid-1874, Johann was successful in the ballot for a 200-acre section of land to the north east of Gore. He drew the third section on the McNab run from the East Gore boundary on the highway known as Symes and Pinnacle Road. He divided his property for purchase on 28 February 1878 and was soon joined by a considerable number of his fellow countrymen and looking round in search of a place where they might pitch their tents without trespassing on private property, they came upon the coal reserve along Johann’s farm. John took up contract work after working on the southern railway in the Gore district.
The family born at Germantown (Waikaka Valley) were: Francis (b. 1880—d. 1950) and Martha Barbara (b. 1882—d. 1944). Anna Bucholz died from exhaustion due to extended child birth on 5 October 1882 at Waikaka aged 38 and was buried at the Gore Cemetery. Mrs Johann Halfka, known as Aunt Francisca, raised the youngest child, Martha.
“At the Police Court, Gore, on Friday last, John Devoloskie was charged with having on the 22nd January at Waikaka threatened to shoot John Bucholz. Dr Macaffer, J.P., and Mr Souness, J.P., occupied the bench; and Messrs Aldridge and Henderson appeared for complainant and defendant respectively. John Halfke said he had heard Devoloskie say that he would shoot Bucholz; that he had tried two caps, which did not go off, but that the third would be all right. This threat was repeated, and was accompanied by violent behaviour. In answer to Mr Henderson witness made a rambling statement about a ghost, with a long tail which seemed to have been the cause of all the trouble; but it was Bucholz that was to be shot, not the ghost. According to J Hoffman’s evidence Devoloskie had said a ghost was always coming to his house causing a disturbance amongst his sheep and frightening his wife; that he had tried to shoot the ghost, which had a long tail, and in all respects but this one resembled Bucholz, whom he had tried to shoot. The gun, however, did not go off; but if it did go off he would shoot him. He was sober. Bucholz lost his wife recently. To Mr Henderson — Could not say if Devoloskie really intended to shoot Bucholz. The complainant gave evidence to the effect that he feared the threat would be carried out, and was then cross-examined at great length by Mr Henderson, his evidence disclosing little of importance or interest beyond the fact that some of the Germans. at Waikaka were not notable for morality of a high order. Without considering it necessary to hear evidence for the defence, the Bench dismissed the case.” Matuara Ensign, 13 February 1883, p 2

B. -, -, -, Archie Ferguson, Nellie Bucholz, Joe Bucholz, Annie Woods and Frank Bucholz, -. C. Aggie Hoffman, Adam Hoffman, Albert Green, Martha Bucholz, Pearl Ferguson, Develoski, Mrs. Max Hoffman, and Maggie Kubala. F. Violet Hoffman, Nellie Giles, Nell Wyatt, -, Jack Wyatt, and three Kubala Children, Wedding held at Toronto Street, East Gore – 8 Oct 1913, courtesy of Allen J. Little QSM, JP and Nancy May Cullen Stewart
John remarried on 7 April 1883 at the residence of Maurice O’Rourkes in Gordon (East Gore) to Anna Dovaloska (b. 1868 at Kosice—d. 1899), the daughter of Johann Dovaloski and Catharina Maicrish. The family at East Gore were: Annie (b. 1884—d. 1933), Elizabeth (b. 1885), James (b. 1890—d. 1890), Margaret (b. 1891), Susannah (b. 1893), James (b. 1895—d. 1962), Adam (b. 1897) and Isaac (b. 1898—d. 1898).
“KNAPDALE ROAD BOARD. Tenders for various contracts were opened, with the following result: — Contract 113— Knapdale Low Road, formation and gravelling: J Buchols, L 3 Is 10d and 26s per chain.” Mataura Ensign, 28 October 1887, p 9
“Gore Borough Council. The Finance Committee recommended that the following accounts be passed, and their recommendation was agreed to, the Mayor on explaining that the return of Bouchlez’s deposit was merely a formal matter, in that his contract for supply of gravel had expired, and that his amount wanted in a separate account; that the amount for Leahy’s contract would only fail to he paid on the engineer’s certificate; and that the overdraft of the Borough was going steadily down:” Mataura Ensign, 30 September 1890, p 5
“The Chatton members of the Knapdale Road Board met on Tuesday last, there being present — Messrs Turnbull and Milne and the Inspector, these gentlemen accepted the following tenders:… contract 189, John Bucholz, subject to alteration by the Inspector of bridge, L11 17s;…” Mataura Ensign, 28 October 1890, p 4
“Gore Borough Council. Monday, August 1, 1892. Present — Mr John MacGibbon Mayor, and Councillors Baker, Martin, Dick, Macara, Canning, Brewer, Aitken, Wallis and Carmody. In the absence of Mr Brett, called by urgent business to Dunedin, Mr Martin acted as clerk…The Works Committee reported having accepted the tender of John Bucholz and Co. for contract No. 30, Talbot street, East Ward, at 8d per yard, and recommended the making of drain pipes by the Council…” Mataura Ensign, 5 August 1892, p 6
“Gore Borough Council. The monthly meeting was held last night; present-Councillors; Bakerr (in the chair), Martin, Dick, Brewer, Macara, Wood, Aitken, Carmody and Wallis… The ordinary business of the meeting then proceeded with, John Bucholz and Patrick Daly asked the Council to pass their respective accounts for payment on receipt of the engineer’s certificate. Bucholz’s contract was finished, but he had been unable to get the engineer, and Daly’s would be finished in three days. — Both requests were granted…” Mataura Ensign, 14 February 1893, p 2
“National Mortgage and Agency Co Freehold Farm for Sole. SATURDAY, 19th JANUARY, 1895, At 2.30 o’clock afternoon: At Brewer and Trembath’s Horse Bazaar, Gore. ARCH. A. MACGIBBON (on behalf of the National Mortgage and Agency Company), favored with instructions, will sell by Public Auction, place and date a above. That FARM of 200 Acres or thereby, being Section 9, Block I, Waikaka District, within a mile of Gore, presently in the occupation of Mr John Bucholz, with Dwelling House and Offices (Barn and Stable) thereon; subdivided into paddocks; together with the Growing Crops thereon, being 100 Acres Oats and 20 Acres Turnips or thereby. This affords a splendid opportunity to any one wanting a Dairy Farm. For further particulars apply to JOHH MaCGIBBON & SONS, Gore; Or THE AUCTIONEERS, a174 Gore or Invercargill.” Mataura Ensign, 15 January 1895, p 5
“SALE OE FARM. B, S, Macdonell and Co. report having sold privately, at a satisfactory figure, section 21, block V, Waikaka, containing 281 acres 2 roods 21 poles, Mr John Bouchlez being the purchaser.” Matarura Ensign, 19 February 1895, p 2
“MAGISTERIAL. Gore. This Day. (Before R. S. Hawkins, Esq., S. M.) RABBIT PROSECUTIONS. Samuel Walker was charged with neglecting to commence the destruction of rabbits on his property at Waikaka. – E. A. Field, Inspector of Stock, gave evidence as to the infested state of defendant’s property. If trapping was done on the place it was not, sufficient, and witness saw no pollard poison on the ground. Rabbits were more numerous on his property than in any other part of the district. Samuel Walker, defendant, deposed that he had poisoned twice in the winter before the notice was given. Laid three bags of poison between himself and neighbour. Had laid 160 lbs of pollard, trapping also had been going on. Witness was still laying poison. Could not kill all the rabbits. John Bucholz deposed that he had started trapping after poisoning, and had trapped for two months. Had trapped 4000 rabbits off Walker’s ground from 8th October to the end of December, and about 4000 previously, from 8th October to 16th November. The Bench considered that no evidence was forthcoming as to defendant failing to commence, and the information would be dismissed. Samuel Walker was further charged with failing to continue to do sufficient poisoning upon his property. — Defendant pleaded guilty, and was fined L1 and costs 7s..” Mataura Ensign, 9 January 1896, p 2
Only months after the loss of their son Isaac, Annie passed away on 22 February 1899 at East Gore aged 31 and was buried at the Gore Cemetery.
“A SETTLER’S GRIEVANCE. LOCAL ADMINISTRATION OF THE RABBIT DEPARTMENT. It will be remembered that a short time since a Wairarapa settler petitioned the House in reference to alleged persecution at the hands of the Stock Department officers, and a discussion took place, several members advocating amendments of the law to permit of evidence to refute that of the Stock Inspector’s being allowed. Eventually the petition was referred back to the Stock Committee to take further evidence. Mr Samuel Walker, of Otakarama (near Gore) waited on us on Saturday last, and complained he, was the subject of similar persecution at the hands of the local Inspector; that he had waited on a J.P. as to his grievances, and had been advised to place his case before us in order, if for no other reason, to obtain publicity as to his position. Mr Walker’s story is to the following effect: Some five years since he purchased the farm he occupies, and shortly afterwards a man named Bucholz with a large family settled next to him. He considered Bucholz was fairly entitled to his (Walker’s) rabbiting, but this gave rise to umbrage on the part of another settler, who threatened in consequence to inform the Rabbit Department that Walker’s land was overrun with rabbits, and Walker alleges that Bucholz’s appointment for some reason did not meet with the Stock Inspector’s approval. In consequence of these alleged representations, Walker was prosecuted and fined £2 10s. He was again summoned last February and a fine of £l0 and costs imposed. On this occasion the Stock Department officials admitted that in the previous October Walker’s ground was in good condition, and Walker proved that he had killed fully 6000 rabbits- between that time and the date of prosecution — i.e., during the summer. It was, however, also proved that the rabbits trapped were fed to Bucholz’ pigs, and the Magistrate (Mr Hawkins) said he saw through the whole case; the pork would be sold as “prime dairy fed,” which would never do. Walker complains that all he wanted was to get rid of the rabbits, and he fails to recognise why he should be punished because the rabbits were made use of by Bucholz. On both occasions he alleges that he proved that the land was free from rabbits than that of neighbors — on the first occasion Bucholz and family, with 135 traps, on his ground got 35 rabbits per day, as against one man, with 120 traps, taking 80 rabbits per day off a neighbor’s holding. Five weeks later, Walker was again summoned, on another clause of the Act, providing that a fine of from £5 to £100 should be imposed if one month after the previous conviction, work was not done to the Inspector’s satisfaction. Walker was fined the minimum penalty, on the understanding that he would do as the Inspector ordered in future. On this occasion the Inspector gave evidence that he had gone over the ground on the 23rd February, when he found a number of traps which had apparently not been used for a long time, and no one was about the place. This particular date was the occasion of the funeral of Mrs Bucholz, and the family, usually engaged trapping, as well as Walker were attending it. This, of course, was the reason for the traps being unused at the time, though they were otherwise constantly in use. He still kept Bucholz trapping, and in July received notice that he had insufficient strength. He advertised for another trapper, and put on the first applicant, who trapped for a few weeks but could not make wages, though rabbits were 6½d per pair, and left. The Sub-inspector shortly after met Walker and told him that the rabbits were too numerous on a certain place (where the new trapper had been trapping). He sent Bucholz over this ground, which he has been trapping up to the present true. On Thursday last two men called at Walker’s and asked him to direct them to a neighbor’s place. He pointed out the way, when one of them handed him the following letter: — ” I hereby give you notice that your land in the Waikaka district is placed under section 11 of the Rabbit Nuisance Act, 1882. I have given instructions to men appointed for the purpose to lay poison for the destruction of rabbits. You will therefore at once remove all rabbiters now working on the land, and remove whatever is grazing where poisoning is going on, as all stock on the land while it is being poisoned will be at your own risk.— E. A. Field, Inspector of Stock.” Walker then inquired if his visitors had a similar errand to the neighbor they had asked to be directed to, and was informed by one of the men that his visit there was on a Bible mission. The following day, whilst Walker was ploughing, the Stock Inspector, sub- inspector, and Bible missionary (who was to 3 go on poisoning) called at his place, and in reply to questions as to what he was doing, Walker stated the one trapper had left, and the others were still continuing, and it was his intention to poison the ground himself, his man to do the work at the same time that he looked after the sheep, which just now required special attention. He was told that the poisoning would be undertaken by the; Department, and pointed out that he could prove his neighbor’s land to be in a worse case than his own. The officers said they did not want any proof; they had seen his land and were going to poison it. He was an “old offender,” and they would not listen to him. Walker also pointed out that the carrying into effect of the notice would derange all his farming operations, as he would have no grass for his sheep; the turnips were done, the English grass had not yet grown, and the lambs (which he was just going to cut and tail) would starve. The inspector pointed out that he had a paddock; but this was not sufficient, and the lambs would be destroyed. His representations and assurances that he (Walker) would himself do the work in connection with his farming operations proving of no avail. Walker got into a bad temper, and informed the inspector that if he carried out his avowed intentions, as the law gave him no redress, he ! would kill him. ‘ Walker than took steps to ascertain what had been done lately by the Bucholz family in the way of rabbiting. The family were working 220 traps and could not say how many rabbits they had killed for the past month, but their cheque from the factory was £7. There were three of them rabbiting all the season, and another man for part of the time as well. Walker’s holding comprises ‘ 1600 acres. On a holding adjoining, one man, with 120 traps, working 800 acres, got a 1 cheque for £10 for the same period; the rabbits from both places going to the factory and bringing the same price. These are the facts as related to us, and Mr Walker desires to know whether he is being prosecuted maliciously. If he could be made to understand that he is worse, in respect to rabbits, than his neighbors, he would consider he deserved all he gets, but he claims he is not in such a bad plight, and they get off while he is made the scapegoat. If this is to continue, he asks what is the use of his freehold ? He cannot work it to advantage, and is beset on every hand, so that he does not know where he is.” Mataura Ensign, 10 October 1899, p 2
John was naturalised as a New Zealand citizen on 8 September 1902 working as a farmer at Gore and according to the Awarua Electoral Roll for 1911, John was working as a labourer at Tisbury, near Invercargill.
“Tenders. ESTATE OF JOHN BUCHOLZ. TENDER for Leasing for three years of 41½ acres, Tisbury, close at Public Trust Office, Don street, noon, THURSDAY, 20th inst. Conditions and Forms with Postmaster, Tisbury, and Public Trust Office, Invercargill.” Southland Times, 25 September 1915, p 1
“LAND BOARD. MONTHLY MEETING. The Southland Land Board met on Tuesday, there being present the Commissioner (Mr H. D. M. Haszard), and Messrs James King and H J. Middleton. Messrs James Fleming and C. Robertson were absent…Sections 71 and 72, block XXII, Invercargill Hundred, 41 a 2r 16p; Public Trustee as Statutory Administrator of estate of John Bucholz to James 0 Neill. Approved…” Western Star, 24 March 1916, p 3
“LAND BOARD. MONTHLY MEETING. The monthly meeting of the Land Board; was held yesterday when the following. business was dealt with: TRANSFERS. The following transfers were approved:.. Sections 71 and 72, block 22, Invercargill Hd., 41 acres 2 roods 16 poles —Public Trustee (in estate of John Bucholz) to Thomas O’Neill…” Southland Times, 17 December 1921, p 10
John of Seaward Bush, died on 7 August 1926 at Seacliff Mental Hospital aged 84 and is buried with his wife at the Gore Cemetery.
Joseph Michael Buchols was born at Lubiszewo-Tczewskie on 23 November 1867. He married on 25 October 1911 at the Church of the Sacred Heart in Allanton to Nellie Woolliams. He worked at times as a farmer and coal miner.
“…Joseph Bucholz deposed as to cutting part of Hoffman’s crop, and as to the acreage cut by him and by O’Brien. He would cut more in a day than O’Brien, whose reaper was only six feet as against his six feet six, and O’Brien on three days did not start work until about 10 o’clock, while he had been working two or three hours earlier…” Mataura Ensign, 5 February 1892, p 2
“A VANISHED HERD. PECULIAR CATTLE DISPUTE. A. case presenting most unusual features was heard at the Gore Court yesterday, before Mr McCarthy, S.M. This was an action by Robert Dynes (Pukerau) to recover the value of 14 steers at £7 5s each, and three heifers at £5 5s each (total £150), from W. Scoullar (Pukerau)… Joseph Bucholz deposed to driving cattle for plaintiff along the road from one paddock to another on the Friday. Saw the cattle in the 10-acre padoack. None of them joined his mob. Saw them again next day…” Mataura Ensign, 23 July 1901, p 2
“MATAURA. BOROUGH COUNCIL Joseph Buchols, River street, wrote, complaining about the sanitary service.—Referred to the Sanitary Committee.” Southland Times, 11 September 1924, p 10
“MAGISTRATE’S COURT. SITTING AT MATAURA. (From our Correspondent.) The Mataura Magistrate’s Court sat on Tuesday before Mr H. J. Dixon, S.M. MINING CASE. The Inspector of Mines proceeded against Joseph Bucholz on a charge that, being the Mine Manager of the Boghead Coalmine at Mataura where an accident took place on April 24, he did permit part of the mine to be interfered with before it had been inspected by the Inspector, contrary to Section 62 (5) of the Coalmines Act, 1908. The Inspector, George Duggan, outlined the facts of the case, stating that the Act provided that the mine should be inspected after a serious accident before being worked again. He did not press for a heavy fine. The defendant explained that he continued to work the mine in ignorance of the Act. The Magistrate said the case was only brought as a warning and ordered defendant to pay Court costs 9/- and witness’s expenses 5/-.” Southland Times, 10 July 1925, p 5
Joseph died on 29 December 1952 at Mataura aged 85 and is buried with his wife at the Gore Cemetery.
Angelica (Helen Amelia) Buchols was born at Małżewko on 24 September 1869. She married on 12 March 1886 at Gore to Charles William Ramsay, a native of Scotland. The family were: Robert James (b. 1887), Charles William (b. 1891—d. 1964), William Francis (b. 1893—d. 1949) and Helen Gladys (b. 1899). Only a few weeks after the birth of their last child, Helen died on 21 November 1899 aged 30 and is buried at the Invercargill Cemetery.

John and Annie Bucholz, Catholic, Block 47 Plot 14 at Gore Cemetery
Pobόg-Jaworowski, J. W, History of the Polish Settlers in New Zealand, ed. Warsaw; Chz “Ars Polonia.” 1990, pages 22 & 167.
Research Sources
Archives New Zealand, Passenger Lists, 1839-1973, FamilySearch.
Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara O Te Kawanatanga; Land Records.
Catholic Diocese of Dunedin, St Mary’s Church, Milton; Baptism Register.
Little Allen J. QSM, JP, supplied photo & family information.
Lubiszewo Tczewskie Parish Records, Pelplin Diocese, Poland.
New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs Naturalisations, Births, Deaths and Marriages.

Joseph Michael Buchols, Roman Catholic Block 106 Plot 19 at Gore Cemetery
Walsh John, Masterton, supplied extensive history of Prussia, family history & family documents (1998).
Gore Cemetery – Annie Bucholz (1844-1882) » Gore District Council (goredc.govt.nz)
Gore Cemetery – John Bucholz (1841-1926) » Gore District Council (goredc.govt.nz)
Gore Cemetery – Joseph Michael Buchols (1867-1852) » Gore District Council (goredc.govt.nz)
Invercargil Eastern Cemetery – Helen Ramsay (1869-1899) – Invercargill City Council (icc.govt.nz)
Compiled by Paul Klemick (2022)
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