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Annis Family

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ANYS/ANIS possibly (Ger) Hans or equivalent Jan or from the son of Annis (Eng), the popular pronunciation of Agnes. Meaning: Pure, chaste.

BRANDT/BRANT (Ger) Hildebrand. Meaning: Dweller on a farm cleared by burning or dweller near the (Brant) steep.

CHIŁKOWSKI/CHERKOWSKI (Pol) chylić sięMeaning: to bend, bow, decline.

DEMER/DEMMER a variant of Dempster (Eng, Scot). Meaning: Occupational name for a judge or arbiter of minor disputes.

LIPSKI (Pol) lipa. Meaning: the linden tree, seen in many toponyms, including Lipsk (Leipsig), Lipno etc.

STOLZ/STOLC (Ger) stolz Meaning: proud.


Szymon Anis (b. 1798–d. 1865) was born at Rudno on 07 August 1798, the son of Jakob Anys (b. 1766) and Katarzyna Lipska (b. 1775).1Szymon married on 16 October 1825 at the church of Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Trąbki Wielkie to Regina Rozalia Demer (b. 07 August 1804 at Sobowidz–d. 1890), the daughter of Maciej Demer (b. 1765–d. 1808) and Elzbieta Brandt (b. 1760–d. 1839).2  The family born at Sobowidz were Jan (b. 1826–d. 1826), Maryanna (b. 1826–d. 1880), Anna Barbara (b. 1828–d. 1830), Jozef Walenty (b. 1831–d. 1832), Barbara (b. 1833–d. 1839), Szymon (b. 1836–d. 1839), at Zajączkowo; Franciszek (b. 1839–d. 1921), at Szczerbęcin; Michal (b. 1841), Jakob (b. 1843–d. 1846), Barbara Różalia (b. 1846–d. 1850) and Franciszka Paulina (b. 1849–d. 1939).3 The family were located at Male Turze when Szymon Anis died on 1 April 1865 aged 66. In 1872, their youngest daughter Franciszka and family left the village of Trzcińsk and migrated to New Zealand aboard the Palmerston.4 In 1874, Regina left the village of Malzewko for Hamburg along with daughter Maria and son Franciszek from the village of Małe Turze. They set aboard the Reichstag departing on 10 May 1874, arriving at Port Nicholson in Wellington on 6 August 1874.5The family had been nominated by family and friends in Waihola to settle there in New Zealand.


Kroning and Annis (first cottage) in Beacon Street (opposite cemetery), taken from Adams Farm. Ca. 1900

Listed aboard were: Regine Annis, age 63.  Alan Halba recalls that while the family were waiting to go to Dunedin, Regina had taken off with two of the youngest grandchildren, Francisca and Anna.  On her return however, she had discovered that the ship she was supposed to be on had already left. It is believed she and the children were well looked after, but much heart-break for Mother in Dunedin. However, sometime later they reunited where Regina settled with family at Waihola and lived out her later years with her youngest daughter, Franciszka.  Regine died on 8 December 1890 at Waihola aged 86 and is buried with the Orłowski family at the Waihola Cemetery.6


Frank Annis, a small farmer (b. 1839–d. 1921) was born at Zajączkowo on 25 April 1839 and married on 10 September 1865 at the church of St. Jan Nepomuncen in Godziszewo to Weronika Cherkowska (b. 18 November 1842 at Małe Turze–d. 1902), the daughter of Albrecht Chiłkowski (b. 1819–d. 1875) and Katarzyna Stolc (b. 1810–d. 1881).7 The family born at Małe Turze were Jozef (b. 1866–d. 1868), Różalia (b. 1867–d. 1868), Maria (b. 1869), Franciszek (b. 1870–d. 1920), Franciszka (b. 1872–d. 1949) and Anna (b. 1874–d. 1947).8 They left the village of Małe Turze with extended family from Małżewko and Weronika’s youngest sister, Franciszka, for Hamburg where they set sail aboard the Reichstag on 10 May 1874 arriving at Port Nicholson in Wellington on 6 August 1874.

Listed aboard were: Franz Annis age 35, Veronika 30, Maria 4, Franz, 3, Francisca 2 and Anna 2 months.  They were sent to Soames Island for isolation before being sent to Dunedin where they were sent to the western compartment of the Caversham Immigration Barracks.  From here they travelled to the South Island and settled with family at Waihola. The family born at Waihola were: John (b. 1876–d. 1952), Bernhardt Robert (b. 1878–d. 1961), August (b. 1879–d. 1962), Martha (b. 1881–d. 1927), Catherine (b. 1884–d. 1905) and Adam (b. 1888–d. 1888). Joseph Tikey (b. 1878–d. 1954), born at Waihola, was taken in by the family as an infant.9 From a labourer’s income Frank acquired sections 10 to 14 of Block 23 on 21 November 1876 and built a cottage of sod adjacent to where the Waihola Cemetery is now.10


L. Annie Sinclair (nee Annis), James Sinclair (on knee), Frank Annis, Franciszka Annis, Annie Annis (nee Kenny), Graham Annis (hat on knee), Bernhard Annis (back row), Jean Sinclair (ribbon in hair), Charles Kenny (back), Bill Sinclair and – Sinclair Picnic at Waihola Ca. 1910, courtesy of Helen Sinclair, Waihola


According to the 1882’ Return of Freeholders, the property of one acre was valued at £120.11 In November of 1888 a further 20 acres of Crown land at Clarendon was purchased for 20 shillings an acre. Here an accommodating wooden cottage was erected on section 59 of Block one, next to where a stone dairy once stood.12 Today owned by the Bungard family, the farm opens to a spectacular view of Lake Waihola and surroundings.

“MILTON. ASSAULT. Franz Annis was charged by August Orlawski with assaulting Fannie Orlawski at Waihola on March 25 —Mr D. Reid appeared for plaintiff — Defendant pleaded not guilty. — Mr Reid said that defendant was a brother of complainant’s wife, who was the woman assaulted. August Orlawski had accused defendant’s son of stealing some rabbits. His wife met defendant’s son and accused him of spreading reports against her husband. Mrs Orlawski became incensed at this, and went away. Annis then came and caught the woman by the head and assaulted her — Fannie Orlawski remembered the boy John Annis passing her door on the 25th March. He said her husband had stolen rabbits out of his traps. Old Annis came along shortly afterwards and pulled her by the hair to the ground. She had no words with the old man at all. — Annie Orlawski, daughter of complainant, stated that on 25th March young Annis said her father had taken some rabbits from his traps. Old Annis then came along and hit her mother and pulled her about —Franz Annis stated that when John Annis was passing Mrs Orlawski pushed him along and threatened to hit him. Witness then came from the stack and she called him all sorts of names and threatened to split his head with a stone. She then caught him by the whiskers, and he caught her by the hair and pulled her off — John Annis, son of defendant, was going past Orlawski’s when Mrs Orlawski started swearing at him and wanted to fight him. She followed some distance from the house. His father then came from the stack, and she caught him by the whiskers.— His Worship said he had decided to dismiss the case.” Bruce Herald, 21 April 1893, p3

Franz was naturalised as a New Zealand citizen on 30 November 1899 retiring to the hills above Waihola.13 Veronica died at Waihola on 11 June 1902 aged 59 and is buried at Waihola Cemetery.14


At ruins of the old dairy near Annis’s place at Clarendon, courtesy of Helen Sinclair


“Our Milton correspondent writes:—August Annis, a young man employed at Moorhouse’s flaxmill at Waihola, met with a serious accident yesterday. The pulley of the main shaft broke and struck him on the back of the head, fracturing his skull. His condition is serious, but Dr Menzies, who is in attendance, thinks that there is some hope of his recovery.” Evening Star, 31 October 1903, p 4

In 1907, Frank’s property was involved in a fire. “We are sorry to record loss by fire among some of our hill farmers. A fire started in the bush at the back of Waihola, and Messrs. Annis, Gregory, Bell and Yorston – the two last named particularly – were heavy losers. The fire demolished not only large quantities of bush and fencing, but crops and livestock. The value of the property destroyed varies on the different farms from £20 to £500.15

“F. Hencke, Waihola, wrote enclosing a letter received from the county engineer informing him that Mr Annis had authority to fence in and use a certain road. “Charity, it is said,” the engineer concluded, “is one of the greatest virtues, and to do unto your neighbour as you would like him to do to you.” “I object to that road being fenced,” wrote Mr Hencke, “and I don’t want any advice from Mr Nelson, and no charity.”— The Chairman said that as far as he was aware the council had never given permission for the fence to he erected—The Engineer admitted that this was so.—On the motion of Cr Bell, it was decided to write to Mr Annis notifying him that he must remove his fence back to the road line.” Otago Daily Times, 3 May 1911, p 4

“Bruce County Council. F. Hencke, Waihola, complained that Mr Aunis had ploughed an open road line, which was used for traffic. He requested Council to see that Mr Annis re-formed the road and made it fit for traffic—Members expressed the opinion that Mr Annis had no right to plough the road—Cr bell moved that Mr Annis be instructed to disc and harrow the ploughed portion within a month, otherwise the Council would undertake the work at his expense. Seconded.by Cr King and carried.” Bruce Herald, 8 February 1912, p 1

Frank died at Dunedin on 19 August 1921 aged 82.16 His funeral was held at the church of St. Hyacinth and was buried with his wife at Waihola Cemetery.


Paul Klemick exploring the remains of the Annis Cottage at Clarendon in 1998 before it’s demolition


Mary Annis started her education at the Waihola School on 9 September 1878. Her whereabouts from then are unknown.


Francis Annis Jnr. was born at Male Turze on 13 September 1870.  He is listed as a labourer residing at Alexandra South in the Tuapeka Electoral Roll of 1905.

“CITY POLICE COURT. Disorderly Conduct in a Railway Carriage.  Frank Annis was charged with having been drunk in a railway carriage between Mosgiel and Allanton, and with having used indecent language in a railway carriage within the hearing of other passengers.—Ho pleaded ” Guilty” to both charges, saying that, he had been drunk and did not remember what he had done.—Sub inspector Green said the man had made himself a general nuisance on the evening train to Clinton on Saturday, and he had to be removed from the train at Allanton. The Magistrate imposed a fee of 20s, or one weeks imprisonment, on the first charge, and 40s or a month’s imprisonment. on the second.. with costs (10s).” Otago Daily Times, 2 June 1903, p 8

Francis died in Dunedin on 7 November 1920, as the result of an accident aged 50.  His funeral was held at the church of St. Hyacinth and was buried at Waihola Cemetery.17

Frank Annis, aged 51, residing at Henley, was admitted to the hospital late on Saturday night suffering from a fracture of left thigh. He fell from a bicycle in front of the wheels of a traction engine, one wheel going over both legs. He died at 6 o’clock this morning.18 Francis Annis, a single man, 50 years of age, a resident of Milburn, and employed at Milburn Lime and Cement Co’s works, met with a peculiar fatal accident whilst cycling home from Henley on Saturday. Overtaking a traction engine belonging to Messrs. Kennedy and McCulloch, of Milburn, which was returning from Dunedin, and had just crossed the Henley Bridge, Annis looked up to speak to the driver, when from some unexplained reason his bicycle capsized, and he fell with his legs under the off-side wheel. Dr. Moody, of Outram, attended the sufferer, who was taken to Dunedin Hospital by motor ambulance, where he died at 6 a.m. on Sunday.19

“INQUESTS. KILLED BY A TRACTION ENGINE. Mr E. C. Levvey, S.M. conducted an inquest at the Hospital yesterday morning into the circumstances of the death of Francis Annis, who was run over by a traction engine near Henley on Saturday night. Senior Sergeant Murray represented the police. Robert Annis, labourer, of Waihola, identified the body as that of his brother, who was a labourer residing at Waihola, 51 years of age, and single. Ho had been employed by the Milburn Lime and Cement Company for four years. He was a strong, healthy man. Witness and he worked together till about a quarter to 4 on Saturday afternoon. Deceased said he had had a bad headache, and was going to the Henley Hotel for a bottle of beer. He rode a bicycle. The distance from Milburn was about nine miles, and it would take him about three-quarters of an hour to cover it. He did not see his brother again till he identified him that morning. Deceased was a moderate drinker. Dr Moody, of Outram said that in response to an urgent message received at 7 o’clock on Saturday night he proceeded to the Taieri Ferry where he arrived about an hour after the accident had happened.. Deceased was lying on an improvised stretcher in a cottage near by. He was mildly delirious owing to the injuries received. Witness did not detect any signs of intoxication or of liquor except what had been given subsequent to the accident. Deceased’s left leg and thigh were obviously seriously crushed, and there was a fracture of the lower third of the femur. All the tissues of the limb wero extensively injured. Witness applied a splint after giving a preliminary dope of morphia. In witness’s opinion the deceased died of shock following extensive injuries to the left leg and thigh. To Senior Sergeant Murray: It did not strike him at once that deceased, would die, but the injuries he had received were quite sufficient to account for the death. The ambulance was sent for at 8 p.m., and deceased did not reach Dunedin Hospital till 11.50 p.m. In his opinion the time taken to transport the patient 20 or 22 miles to the Hospital was somewhat long. Dr J. M. Clarke, senior house surgeon at Dunedin Hospital, said that deceased had been admitted to the Hospital at 11.50 on Saturday night. He was in a semi-delirious state. He was immediately attended to by Dr Hall and witness. He was suffering from great shock and from extensive injuries to the left thigh. There was a small wound in the lower part of the right thigh, and other signs of bruising about the legs. The patient was pulseless. Treatment for shock was applied, and Dr Newlands immediately communicated with. He decided that nothing more could be done at that stage. The patient slightly rallied, but only for a time, and died at 6 a.m. on Sunday. In their opinion death was due to shock resulting from injuries received. John Leith Kennedy, of Milburn, 18 years of age, said ho was a steersman on. a traction engine. He was employed by Kennedy and M’Culloch, thrashing plant owners. On Saturday last Walter M’Culloch and he left Green Island about 10 a.m. with a traction engine to go to Waihola. They did not stop anywhere for dinner. They got to tie Taieri Ferry bridge about 6.25 p.m.. After crossing the bridge witness saw a man on a bicycle about a chain behind, and witness pulled off to the left side 2ft to 3ft. The engine-driver suddenly shut the engine off and stopped. Witness jumped off and went round behind the engine, where he found deceased lying about a couple of feet behind the right back wheel. Deceased said I was going to talk to Watty. The bicycle was caught on the right back wheel. Witness moved deceased to the side of the road. He was not groaning or calling out. M’Culloch stayed with deceased! while witness went back about a mile to Henley to ring for Dr Moody, who came three-quarters of an hour later. When witnessed returned deceased had been moved to Miss Wallace’s house nearby by. About 8 p.m. Mr M’Culloch telephoned to Dunedin for an ambulance. The road at the place of the accident was in good condition, and there was room for two engines to pass. A cyclist would have had about four yards in which to pass. He considered deceased must hove looked round to speak and his bicycle skidded and struck between the two wheels of the engine.  Witness did not drink, and they had no liquor with them. He had been steering about four months on the traction engine The road was thoroughly dry. Walter M’Culloch, of Milburn, engine driver, corroborated the evidence of previous witness. After crossing the Taieri Ferry bridge he saw a man on a bicycle coming behind them and apparently going to pass them. He next noticed deceased level with the middle of the engine on the right and falling in towards it. He had apparently been going to speak, and had lost his balance. He fell immediately in front of the big wheel on the right-hand ride. Witness shut off steam and reversed, but could not stop before the engine had passed over deceased. He stopped in about three yards and seeing the state deceased was in sent Kennedy to ring up for a doctor. Deceased said: “I wanted to speak to Watty” or “I was going to speak to Watty.” He was groaning a little, but was not apparently in great pain. After a time deceased told witness he could go on with the engine, as he would be quite all right. With assistance witness carried deceased to Miss Wallace’s house where the doctor attended him. Deceased said ho did not know whether he struck a stone or not, but he tried to save himself and could not. As soon as he felt the wheel grip his pants he knew his leg was gone. Witness went in to Dunedin with the ambulance in another car. The ambulance arrived out at the scene of the accident about 10 o’clock.  Witness was driving the engine at about three miles an hour. Ho had been driving for about two years, and had a certificate. Deceased, had a bottle of beer in his pocket He was apparently riding straight enough. The only thing witness could think of to account for the fall was that the bicycle had struck a stone The Coroner returned a verdict that death was due to shock following on extreme injuries to the left leg and thigh caused by being run over by a traction engine, there being no evidence as to how he came to fall under the engine and no evidence of negligence on the part of the engine-driver” Otago Daily Times, 9 November 1920, p 9



Fanny Annis, originally shared by swhitelaw9 – ancestry.com


Francisca (Fanny) Annis was born at Male Turze on 19 May 1872.  She married in 1892 in Dunedin to George Jones (b. 1870–d. 1910).20 The family born in Dunedin were: Margaret (b. 1892), Fanny (b. 1894), Lydia (b. 1896–d. 1960) Alice May (b. 1900–d. 1984) Dulcie and Nellie.21 Fanny then remarried in 1922  to Walker Horner (b. 1866–d. 1948).22 Fanny died on 16 July 1949 aged 77 and was cremated at Bromley Cemetery in Christchurch.


Annie Annis was born at Male Turze on 22 February 1874.  She married in 1892 in Milton to James Eric Sinclair (b. 1866–d. 1938).23 The family born in Waihola were: Veroni (b. 1892–d. 1893), Jean (b. 1894–d. 1964), William John (b. 1895–d. 1941), James Alfred (b. 1902–d. 1978) and Graham Robert (b. 1907–d. 1971).24 Annie died on 1 May 1947 aged 73 and is buried at the Waihola Cemetery.25

“DEATHS. SINCLAIR. —On May 1, 1947, at Milton, Annie, beloved wife of the late James Sinclair, of Waihola; aged 73 years.—The Funeral will leave her late residence. Waihola on Saturday, 3rd inst., at 2 p.m., for the Waihola Cemetery.—J. R Wilson, funeral director, Milton.” Otago Daily Times, 2 May 1947, p 1



1 “Germany, Prussia, West Prussia, Catholic and Lutheran Church Records, 1537-1981,” FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZMX-QKTR).

2 Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZQR-31F3), Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZMX-486Y), “New Zealand, Cemetery Transcripts, 1840-1981,” FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:QGT2-QGCF), “Germany, Prussia, West Prussia, Catholic and Lutheran Church Records, 1537-1981,” FamilySearch;  (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZQP-4675) also  Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZMJ-D5P6).

3 “Germany, Prussia, West Prussia, Catholic and Lutheran Church Records, 1537-1981,” FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZMX-WWVY), Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZQG-3GCQ), 1829 should be 1826, Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZM6-5F8H), “Waihola Cemetery Inscriptions and Burials”, Dunedin Public Library, 3rd Floor, McNab Room; Grantz, Norton. (page missing on FamilySearch), “Germany, Prussia, West Prussia, Catholic and Lutheran Church Records, 1537-1981,” FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZMX-XV8P), Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZQG-HQRR), Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZMX-SJZB), Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZQG-649X), Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZMX-ZK88), Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZMJ-7QYW), Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZQG-85KG), Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZMJ-ZLWC), “New Zealand, Cemetery Transcripts, 1840-1981,” FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:731H-7T2M), “Germany, Prussia, West Prussia, Catholic and Lutheran Church Records, 1537-1981,” FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZMX-8HFW), Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZMX-D9K8), “Godziszewo Church Records,” FamilySearch; Film 585987, No. 111, p 23, “Germany, Prussia, West Prussia, Catholic and Lutheran Church Records, 1537-1981,” FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZM6-RVWB), Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZM6-5B7P), “Godziszewo Church Records,” FamilySearch; Film 585987, No. 4, p. 275 also “Find A Grave;” FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:731H-G73Z).

Franz and Veronica Annis, Roman Catholic Block 7 Plot 14 at Waihola Cemetery

4 “Palmerston”, History of the Polish Settlers in New Zealand 1776-1987, J. W. Pobóg-Jaworowski, ed. (Warsaw: Chz “Ars Polona,” 1990), p. 23.

5 “Hamburg Passenger Lists, 1850–-1934,” Ancestry.com.   (https://www.ancestry.com.au/search/collections/1068/ viewed on 28 Aug 2021) also “Reichstag”, Pobóg-Jaworowski, p. 22.

6 Find A Grave; (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/191536837/rayina-annis) also “Graves Of Early Polish Settlers at Various Cemeteries”, Pobóg-Jaworowski, p. 197.

7 “Germany, Prussia, West Prussia, Catholic and Lutheran Church Records, 1537-1981,” FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6Z7C-MHX8), Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZMX-C7S4), “New Zealand, Cemetery Transcripts, 1840-1981,” FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:QLYG-K3D3), “Kokoszkowy Church Records,” FamilySearch; p 101, “Godziszewo Church Records,” FamilySearch; Film 585987, No. 22, p 130, Ibid, No. 58, p 159.

8 “Germany, Prussia, West Prussia, Catholic and Lutheran Church Records,1537-1981,” FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZM6-VJKM), “Godziszewo Church Records,” FamilySearch; Film 585987, No. 78, p. 105, “Germany, Prussia, West Prussia, Catholic and Lutheran Church Records, 1537-1981,” FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZMX-D9PF), Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZM6-6P2C), Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZMX-8L3B), Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZMX-C7SQ), “New Zealand, Cemetery Transcripts, 1840-1981,” FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:QLYG-K38L), “Germany, Prussia, West Prussia, Catholic and Lutheran Church Records,1537-1981, ” FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZMX-83ZM), “New Zealand, Civil Records, 1800-1966,” FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:QGXS-38LG). Reg. No.; 1949/26436, “Germany, Prussia, West Prussia, Catholic and Lutheran Church Records, 1537-1981,” FamilySearch; (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6ZMX-9LB5) also “New Zealand, Cemetery Transcripts, 1840-1981,” FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:QGNG-FWTD).

Rayina Annis, Roman Catholic Block 7 Plot 15 at Waihola Cemetery

9 New Zealand, Civil Records, 1800-1966,” FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:Q24V-ZDDK). Reg. No. 1876/15037, Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:QG6K-JFWR). Reg. No. 1952/29179, Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:Q24V-X937). Reg. No. 1878/6159, Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:QGXS-QQX1). Reg. No. 1961/31547, “Catholic Diocese of Dunedin, St Mary’s Church, Milton, Baptism Register,” Milt 35/P32, “New Zealand, Cemetery Transcripts, 1840-1981,” FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:QGLD-29ZX), “Catholic Diocese of Dunedin, St Mary’s Church, Milton; Baptism Register,” Milt 34/54, “Find A Grave,” FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:QVGC-S11C), “New Zealand, Civil Records, 1800-1966,” FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:Q24K-MNCG). Reg. No. 1884/16244, “New Zealand, Cemetery Transcripts, 1840-1981,” FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:QLYG-K3DQ), “Catholic Diocese of Dunedin, St Joseph’s Cathedral, Dunedin; Baptism Register,” Cath 28/3867 also New Zealand Birth, Deaths & Marriages Online (https://www.bdmhistoricalrecords.dia.govt.nz); Reg. No. 1954/34016.

10 Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara O Te Kawanatanga; Land Records; Folio 30-177.

11 New Zealand Government Property Tax Department, from the rates assessment rolls, Return of Freeholders of New Zealand 1882, published 1884, p.

12 Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara O Te Kawanatanga; Land Records; Folio 89-169.

13 New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs, Naturalisations, 1843-1981, Naturalisation Date; 30 November 1899, File Number; 1899/4188, Certificate Register; 37, Register Page Number; 242.

14Find A Grave (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/194287015/veronica-annis)

15 “Waihola Notes,” Bruce Herald, 4 February 1907, p. 5, col. 2.

The grave of Frank Annis at Waihola Cemetery

16 Find A Grave (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/191537037/franz-annis).

17 Find a Grave (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/191537101/frank-annis).

18 “Fatal Accident, Dunedin, November 7,” Grey River Argus, 8 November 1920, p. 4, col. 5.

19 “Fatal Accident. Milburn Resident Run Over By Traction Engine,” Bruce Herald, 8 November 1920, p. 2, col. 2.

20 “New Zealand, Civil Records, 1800-1966,” FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:Q24K-K7SQ). Reg. No. 1892/741, Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:Q24V-M38V). Reg. No. 1870/36482 also “Find A Grave,” FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:6Z7T-VG1Y).

21 “New Zealand, Civil Records, 1800-1966,” FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:Q24K-LZHJ). Reg. No. 1892/16341, Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:Q24K-R637). Reg. No. 1894/6562, Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:QG6V-RM76). Reg. No. 1896/12391, “Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara O Te Kawanatanga,” Dunedin Probate and Letters of Administration Files (II), 1907-1950; FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:Q2SB-H131); Record No. 931/60, Box No. 673, also New Zealand Birth, Deaths & Marriages Online; (https://www.bdmhistoricalrecords.dia.govt.nz); Reg. No. 1900/1043.

The grave of James and Annie Sinclair (nee Annis) at Waihola Cemetery

22 New Zealand Birth, Deaths & Marriages Online; (https://www.bdmhistoricalrecords.dia.govt.nz); Reg. No. 1922/5536, “England and Wales Birth Registration, 1837-2008,” FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:2X95-SGV) also “BillionGraves,” FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:QVFN-WNMG).

23 “New Zealand, Civil Records, 1800-1966,” FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:Q24K-KY6T). Reg. No. 1892/4059, Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:Q24J-RM3T). Reg. No. 1866/31462, “New Zealand, Cemetery Transcripts, 1840-1981,” FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:QLRG-135Z) also Leila Robinson and Jill Dignan, “Eric” in The Sinclair Story, p. 46.

24 “New Zealand, Civil Records, 1800-1966,” FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:Q24K-L6VD). Reg. No. 1892/16380, (ibid); FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:Q24K-L5Y4). Reg. No. 1893/1843, Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:Q24K-5XGH). Reg. No. 1894/1757, “Find A Grave,” FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:6ZW9-S2X5), “New Zealand, Civil Records, 1800-1966,”; FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:Q24K-Y3TB). Reg. No. 1895/1633, “Find A Grave,”; FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:6ZWM-M4TG), Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:6Z71-QF37) also Ibid, FamilySearch; (https://familysearch.org/ark/61903/1:1:6ZWM-MCQ8).

25 Find A Grave (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/194397565/annie-sinclair).


Research Sources

Judith Oliver supplied family information and family history researched by Barbara Stirling (2002)


Compiled by Paul Klemick (2022)



Chairperson .....  Ewa Rożecka Pollard
Phone ......+64 3 477 5552
Secretary ..... Anna McCreath Munro
Phone ..... +64 3 464 0053

Facebook ..... Poles Down South 

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Poles in New Zealand   We would like to hear from Poles or people with any Polish connection, who visited New Zealand and particularly those of you who paid a visit or lived anywhere in Otago or Southland.

Polski  “Poles Down South” jest stroną internetową organizacji polonijnej w Nowej Zelandii działającej w rejonie Otago i Southland na Wyspie Południowej. Siedzibą organizacji jest Dunedin.